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329 results found
Medical tests
… held in place with elastic belts on your belly. One sensor uses reflected sound waves (ultrasound) to keep track of … time after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Internal monitoring is used only when you are in labour and your amniotic sac has … in caesarean deliveries. It may also be linked to the use of a vacuum or forceps during delivery. footnote 1 There …
Medical tests
… results. Risks There are some things to consider when you use an at-home genetic test. The test may not be as accurate … one you can get through your doctor. And the results can cause unnecessary worry. Test results may be hard to … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Medical tests
… mouthwash, and toothpaste. Low sodium levels have many causes, such as heart failure, malnutrition, and diarrhea. … mix of water and certain minerals in the body. Find the cause of symptoms from low or high levels of sodium. Check on … doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. …
Medical tests
… higher when the liver is severely damaged or diseased, because the liver normally breaks down lactic acid. Very high levels of lactic acid cause a serious, sometimes life-threatening condition called … cool and clammy skin, sweet-smelling breath, belly pain, nausea or vomiting, confusion, and coma. See whether the right …
Medical tests
… glands called a pheochromocytoma . Tumours like this can cause your adrenal glands to release too many hormones. And that can cause high blood pressure, excessive sweating, headaches, fast … wine. Any foods or fluids with vanilla. Licorice. Do not use tobacco at all during the 24-hour urine collection. Be …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Cranial ultrasound uses reflected sound waves to make pictures of the brain and … may be done on an adult to help find a brain mass. Because the test can't be done after the skull bones have fused, it is only done after the skull has been opened during …
Medical tests
… Risks Results Test Overview A myelogram uses X-rays and a special dye called contrast material to … as a herniated disc , or narrowing of the spinal canal caused by arthritis. The spinal canal holds the spinal cord, … clearly. Pictures may be taken before and after the dye is used. To get more information from the test, a CT scan is …
Medical tests
… This fluid buildup is called ascites . Ascites may be caused by infection, inflammation, an injury, or other … belly. The fluid is sent to a lab and studied to find the cause of the fluid buildup. Paracentesis also may be done to … Why It Is Done Paracentesis may be done to: Find the cause of fluid buildup in the belly. Diagnose an infection in …
Medical tests
… flows out of the bladder. This test, also called a VCUG, uses contrast fluid and X-rays so the doctor can see how the … is empty. Why It Is Done This test is done to: Find the cause of urinary problems. These include repeated urinary … doctor if you are allergic to iodine. Iodine is usually used in the contrast material that the doctor will put in …
Medical tests
… to stop smoking for 2 hours before the test. This is because smoking affects your baby's heart rate and movements. … contractions. If there isn't much movement, it can be because the baby is asleep. If this happens during your test, … right away. How It Feels This test is painless. It uses only monitor sensors, which are placed on your belly. …