329 results found
Medical tests
… This test is done on a blood sample taken from a vein. A substance called antidiuretic hormone (ADH) partly controls … is making enough antidiuretic hormone (ADH) . Find the cause of seizures or coma. In severe cases, these can be … a buildup of urea in the blood. Poisoning with certain substances. These include ethanol (the alcohol in alcoholic …
Medical tests
… for liver disease, such as hepatitis. Liver disease may cause symptoms. These may include pain in the upper belly, … vomiting, and sometimes jaundice. Check to see how well treatment for liver disease is working. Find out if jaundice was caused by a blood disorder or liver disease. Keep track of the effects of …
Medical tests
… such as diuretics and potassium supplements. Certain cancer treatments that destroy cancer cells can also make potassium … or too low can be serious. Abnormal potassium levels may cause symptoms such as muscle cramps or weakness, nausea, … levels include severe burns, cystic fibrosis , alcohol use disorder , Cushing's syndrome , dehydration, malnutrition, …
Medical tests
… intestine, or colon, all the time. They usually don't cause problems. But sometimes, something causes the bacteria … grow. When there are too many of them, they release harmful substances called toxins. When the toxins are released, the … those toxins are present. A positive result means you need treatment for colitis. Why It Is Done The test is done to …
Medical tests
… liver is not able to convert ammonia to urea. This may be caused by cirrhosis or severe hepatitis . For this test, a … coma, or hand tremor are present. Check the success of treatment for severe liver disease, such as cirrhosis. Help identify a childhood disorder called Reye syndrome that can damage the liver and …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast that is used to screen for breast cancer . Mammograms can find … or on your breasts. The residue left on your skin by these substances may interfere with the X-rays. How It Is Done You … can lead to emotional distress and unneeded tests and treatments. A mammogram may miss finding breast cancer even …
Medical tests
… to find germs (such as bacteria or a fungus ) that can cause an infection. A sample of cells from the back of your throat is added to a substance that promotes the growth of germs. If no germs … infection and a viral infection. This can help guide treatment. Check a person who may not have any symptoms of …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Helicobacter pylori tests are used to detect a Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) infection … have an H. pylori infection. It can also be used to see if treatment has worked to get rid of H. pylori . Stool antigen test. A stool antigen test checks to see if substances that trigger the immune system to fight an H. …
Medical tests
… liver and spleen. In the bone marrow, iron is stored and used as needed to make new red blood cells. The source of … See if your diet is providing enough iron. Find out if treatment to keep the right amount of iron in your blood is … iron levels are usually high. Thalassemia . This is a blood disorder that runs in families (inherited). It changes how …
Medical tests
… levels high during this test. Examples include alcohol use disorder , stress, obesity, kidney failure, pregnancy, and … cortisol level stays high, Cushing's syndrome may be the cause. An ACTH test is sometimes done at the same time as the …