329 results found
Medical tests
… against sperm in blood, vaginal fluids, or semen. The test uses a sample of sperm and adds a substance that binds only to affected sperm. Semen can cause … or semen. The test uses a sample of sperm and adds a substance that binds only to affected sperm. Semen can cause …
Medical tests
… material. A special type of X-ray, called fluoroscopy , is used to take pictures of the joint. An arthrogram is used to … had a serious allergic reaction ( anaphylaxis ) from any substance. For instance, have you had a reaction from a bee … of your joint area, he or she may recommend further treatment with medicine, physiotherapy, or surgery. Related …
Medical tests
… DNA from cells attached to the root of the hair. It can be used to find out if people are related. Forensic hair … laboratory along with information about the type of hair treatments you have used, including shampoos, conditioners, … by nutrition and internal metabolism but also by external substances. Air pollution, mineral content of the water …
Medical tests
… of bone marrow fluid through a needle. Bone marrow biopsy uses a needle to take out a small amount of bone with the … anemia , or an abnormal white blood cell count. Find blood disorders, such as leukemia , certain anemias, or problems … spread and how much it has spread. This helps plan cancer treatment. Find infections or tumours that may start in or …
Medical tests
… this disease. They look for the bacterium, or germ, that causes gonorrhea . Testing is done on body fluid or urine … the cervix, urethra, eye, rectum, or throat is added to a substance that promotes the growth of the bacteria. If no … don't have sex for at least 3 days after you finish treatment. footnote 1 Your sex partner or partners must also …
Medical tests
… see what type of seizures are occurring. EEG is the most useful and important test for checking if someone has … out if a person who is in a coma is brain-dead. Study sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy . Watch brain activity while a … test or to sleep for only about 4 or 5 hours. This is because some types of brain activity can only be seen if you are …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview A computed tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays to make pictures of the head and face. During … Find damage caused by a stroke and to help find the best treatment for the cause of a stroke. Find the cause of a … of the jaw, face, and skull, such as temporomandibular disorder or Paget's disease . Find broken bones (fractures), …
Medical tests
… . Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disease that causes red blood cells to be deformed ( sickle-shaped ). The red blood cells deform because they contain an abnormal type of hemoglobin , called … these people may have mild or severe sickle cell disorder. In Canada, most provinces test newborns for sickle …
Medical tests
… to find germs (such as bacteria or a fungus ) that can cause an infection. A sample of sputum is added to a substance that promotes the growth of germs. If no germs … the infection. (This is called sensitivity testing.) See if treatment is working. How To Prepare Do not use mouthwash …
Medical tests
… from carbohydrate foods . It is the main source of energy used by the body. Insulin is a hormone that helps your … are done to: Check for prediabetes and diabetes. Monitor treatment of diabetes. Check for diabetes that occurs during … as cirrhosis . Kidney failure. Malnutrition or an eating disorder, such as anorexia . Medicines used to treat …