266 results found
Medical tests
… test. The counsellor can help you make decisions about testing. The counsellor can also help you understand the … the belly (transabdominal) You may feel a short, sharp sting from the needle used to give the numbing medicine. … test. The counsellor can help you make decisions about testing. The counsellor can also help you understand the …
Medical tests
… flow out when the scope is removed. You will most likely go home the same day. And you will probably be able to go back … Ask your doctor if you will need someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine can make it unsafe for you to drive or get home on your own. Understand exactly what procedure is …
Medical tests
… and the other part on the day of the test. Plan to stay home during your prep time since you will need to use the … for the procedure Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get home on your own. Understand exactly what procedure is …
Medical tests
… level of uric acid in the blood and help choose the proper treatment. How To Prepare No special preparation is needed. … How It Is Done A uric acid urine test is usually done at home. You must collect all the urine you produce in a … How It Is Done A uric acid urine test is usually done at home. You must collect all the urine you produce in a …
Medical tests
… pointed through a special lens at the drainage angle. Laser treatment can decrease pressure in the eye and help control … may suggest that you arrange for someone to drive you home after the test. How It Is Done Gonioscopy is usually … may suggest that you arrange for someone to drive you home after the test. How It Is Done Gonioscopy is usually …
Medical tests
… (Inspra). How It Is Done This test is usually done at home. You must collect all the urine you produce in a … disease seen in people who also have diabetes. Heparin treatment. Heparin is a medicine that helps prevent blood … (Inspra). How It Is Done This test is usually done at home. You must collect all the urine you produce in a …
Medical tests
… days before the test. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get home on your own. Understand exactly what procedure is … is taken. But the bleeding usually stops on its own without treatment. If you vomit during the test and some of the …
Medical tests
… before the test. You may need to have someone drive you home after the test. Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and … heart rate and blood pressure will be checked before you go home. How long the test takes The test will take about an … before the test. You may need to have someone drive you home after the test. Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and …
Medical tests
… cold on your back. You will probably feel a brief pinch or sting when the numbing medicine is given. You may feel a … cold on your back. You will probably feel a brief pinch or sting when the numbing medicine is given. You may feel a …
Medical tests
… radiation therapy to the chest as a child. Choose the best treatment for breast cancer. It may also be used to check … get this medicine, be sure you have someone to take you home. How It Is Done Before the test You will need to remove … get this medicine, be sure you have someone to take you home. How It Is Done Before the test You will need to remove …