266 results found
Medical tests
… This can show if the tumour has spread and can help guide treatment. How To Prepare Do not eat or drink for 4 to 8 … stay in a recovery room for several hours before you go home. Arrange to have someone take you home, because you may … takes 1 to 3 hours. How It Feels You may feel a brief sting or pinch from the numbing medicine. Most people don't …
Medical tests
… stay in a recovery room for several hours before you go home. You may want to bring something to do or read to pass … and after the angiogram. How It Feels You may feel a brief sting or pinch from the numbing medicine. Most people do not … the test may not be completed. You may need urgent treatment that could include surgery. There is a chance of …
Medical tests
… An open bone biopsy allows your doctor to do surgical treatment at the same time, if needed. How To Prepare Before … open biopsy is done. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for … Feels Closed or needle biopsy You may feel a brief pinch or sting from the numbing medicine. You may feel pressure or a …
Medical tests
… nodes. This is called staging and is done to plan cancer treatment. Remove cancer. How To Prepare If the biopsy will … only a sip of water. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for … may take longer. How It Feels You will feel only a quick sting from the needle if you have a local anesthesia to numb …
Medical tests
… only a sip of water. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for … your skin at the needle biopsy site, you will feel a sharp stinging or burning that lasts a few seconds. When the … sample helps determine what the lung problem is and what treatment choices are. Bronchoscope and needle biopsies …
Medical tests
… substance. For instance, have you had a reaction from a bee sting or eating shellfish? Are allergic to any medicines. … He or she may remove a sample of the joint fluid for testing. Your doctor may use a fluoroscope to guide the needle … of your joint area, he or she may recommend further treatment with medicine, physiotherapy, or surgery. Related …
Medical tests
… asbestos fibres in the lungs (asbestosis). How To Prepare Home or office sample No special preparation is needed if the sputum sample is to be collected at home or in your doctor's office. Bronchoscopy sample Your … only a sip of water. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for …
Medical tests
… from the arm. Urine test This test is usually done at home. You must collect all the urine you produce in a … nothing at all from the needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Urine test This test usually doesn't cause … nothing at all from the needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Urine test This test usually doesn't cause …
Medical tests
… the infection, to prevent its spread and choose the proper treatment. HCV is spread through infected blood. There is no … nothing at all from the needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Risks There is very little chance of having … at the site. Results Results of hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing that show no infection are called negative. This means …
Medical tests
… a low calcium or potassium level that is not improving with treatment. Look for changes in magnesium levels caused by … nothing at all from the needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Risks There is very little chance of having … nothing at all from the needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Risks There is very little chance of having …