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309 results found
Medical tests
… period. You start collecting your urine in the morning. When you first get up, empty your bladder, but don't save … Diabetic ketoacidosis . A ruptured ectopic pregnancy . Kidney failure. Appendicitis or peritonitis . Macroamylasemia, an …
Medical tests
… the level of calcium in the blood is carefully controlled. When blood calcium levels get low ( hypocalcemia ), the … done: To check for problems with the parathyroid glands or kidneys, certain types of cancers and bone problems, or … of phosphate in the blood. This can be caused by kidney failure , laxative use, and other things. Malnutrition …
Medical tests
… the liver and in bone with some made in the intestines and kidneys . It also is made by the placenta of a pregnant … It Is Done The ALP test is done to: Check for liver damage when you're taking medicines that can damage the liver. Help … healing of a bone fracture can also raise ALP levels. Heart failure , heart attack, mononucleosis , or kidney cancer can …
Medical tests
… Is Done Albumin is tested to: Check how well the liver and kidneys are working. Find out if your diet contains enough … test takes The test will take a few minutes. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all … lymphoma. Uncontrolled diabetes. Hyperthyroidism . Heart failure . Medical Tests: Questions to …
Medical tests
… is produced in the pancreas and released into the blood when the amount of glucose in the blood rises. Normally, … levels that remain high over time can damage your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and blood vessels. There are several … pituitary gland . Liver disease, such as cirrhosis . Kidney failure. Malnutrition or an eating disorder, such as …
Medical tests
… blood cells , liver , heart, muscle tissue, pancreas , and kidneys. AST formerly was called serum glutamic oxaloacetic … (SGOT). Low levels of AST are normally found in the blood. When body tissue or an organ such as the heart or liver is … such as hepatitis or cirrhosis . A heart attack or heart failure . Many medicines, such as statins , antibiotics, …
Medical tests
… chloride) you eat. Chloride is absorbed by your intestines when you digest food. Extra chloride leaves your body in … problems, weakness, or confusion. Find out whether you have kidney or adrenal gland problems. Help find the cause for … blood above the normal range (metabolic alkalosis). Heart failure . Ongoing vomiting. Medical …
Medical tests
… by the adrenal glands ( Cushing's syndrome ). Normally, when the pituitary gland makes less adrenocorticotropic … Examples include alcohol use disorder , stress, obesity, kidney failure, pregnancy, and uncontrolled diabetes. The night …
Medical tests
… (including after surgery), muscular dystrophy , chronic kidney failure, or an infection in the heart. BB may be raised in … to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Medical tests
… and the lungs. Synovial fluid in joints such as knees, shoulders, and hips. Fluid from the genital area, such as … fluid buildup. Possible causes include an infection, heart failure, cirrhosis, and kidney disease. Pericardial fluid may be tested to find out …