329 results found
Medical tests
… Using a home blood pressure monitor lets you keep track of your blood pressure at home. Blood pressure is a measure of how hard the blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as it moves through your body. Your blood pressure is recorded as two numbers. …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview A genetic test checks the DNA of your cells. It can find changes in your genes or chromosomes that may cause a genetic illness. The results may tell you about your ancestry, your health, or your risk for certain …
Medical tests
… (EKG or ECG) records the electrical activity of your heart while you do your usual activities. Ambulatory means that you are able to … There are several different types of ambulatory monitors. Your doctor will choose the type that works best for you and …
Medical tests
… It Feels Risks Results Test Overview Your pulse is the rate at which your heart beats. Your pulse is usually called your heart rate, which is the …
Medical tests
… labour, and delivery. It keeps track of the heart rate of your baby ( fetus ). It also shows how long each contraction of your uterus lasts. Your baby's heart rate is a good way to tell if your baby is …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Laryngoscopy is an examination that lets your doctor look at the back of your throat, your voice box (larynx) , and vocal cords with a scope …
Medical tests
… to make magnified images, or pictures, of the back of your eye . This includes the retina. It's the part of the eye that's most responsible for your vision. Common imaging methods include: Colour and … black-and-white photography. A camera magnifies the back of your eye and makes pictures. Optical coherence tomography, …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to look at your airway through a thin viewing device called a bronchoscope. During a bronchoscopy , your doctor will examine your throat, larynx , trachea , and …
Medical tests
… hysteroscopy is a procedure to find and treat problems with your uterus. It may be done to remove growths from the … is called a hysteroscope, or scope. The doctor will fill your uterus with air or liquid. This makes it easier to see the inside of your uterus with the scope. The doctor may also put tools …
Medical tests
… Sleep studies are tests that record what happens to your body during sleep. The studies are done to find out what's causing your sleep problems. Sleep studies can also find out if you have a problem with your stages of sleep. The two main types of sleep are …