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329 results found
Medical tests
… This test might be done if you have high iron levels in your blood. This test helps to find out if you have … gene test. You may worry that test results could affect your future employment options or the cost or availability … the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act (GNA). It protects your genetic information. You may want to talk to a genetic …
Medical tests
… the CT scanner, which is a large doughnut-shaped machine. Your head will be positioned inside the scanner. The CT … dye called contrast material may be put in a vein ( IV ) in your arm or into the spinal canal. The dye makes structures … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you get …
Medical tests
… alcohol test measures the amount of alcohol (ethanol) in your body. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood and … . The rest of it is passed out of the body in urine and your exhaled breath. Alcohol has a noticeable effect on the … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… Screening tests are used to see what the chance is that your baby has a certain birth defect. If a screening test is positive, it means that your baby is more likely to have that birth defect and your doctor may give you the option to have a diagnostic …
Medical tests
… test ("tox screen") checks for drugs or other chemicals in your blood, urine, or saliva. Drugs can be swallowed, … a mucous membrane . In rare cases, a tox screen may check your stomach contents or sweat. A tox screen may check for … Many medicines can change the results of this test. So give your doctor a list of all the medicines you have taken in …
Medical tests
… Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a guide. Your doctor will also look at your results based on your
Medical tests
… of TB protein ( antigens ) under the top layer of skin on your inner forearm. If you have ever been exposed to the TB bacteria ( Mycobacterium tuberculosis ), your skin will react to the antigens by developing a firm … of PPD in a shot is put under the top layer of skin on your forearm. This is a good test for finding a TB …
Medical tests
… be done on a urine sample. If you have chlamydia, all of your sex partners from the last 60 days should be tested and … you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … Why It Is Done A test for chlamydia is done to: See if your symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) are …
Medical tests
… hemorrhoids. How To Prepare If you have hemorrhoids, tell your doctor before the examination begins. Your doctor will try not to bother your hemorrhoids. How It Is Done For a digital rectal …
Medical tests
… the cause of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). How To Prepare Your doctor will give you instructions about eating and … used to treat type 2 diabetes can change the test results. Your doctor may ask you to stop these medicines before your blood test. How It Is Done A health professional uses a …