329 results found
Medical tests
… is a procedure that looks at the space behind your breastbone and between your lungs. This area is called the mediastinum (say … you can expect. And it will help you safely prepare for your procedure. Preparing for the procedure Be sure to ask …
Medical tests
… and fatty substances used as a source of energy by your body. Lipids are found in your blood and are stored in tissues. They are an important part of cells, and they help keep your body working normally. Lipids include cholesterol , …
Medical tests
… get one if a test shows that you have blood or protein in your urine. The biopsy is usually done by putting a long, … you can expect. And it will help you safely prepare for your procedure. Preparing for the procedure You may need to … before the day of the procedure. If this is the case, your doctor will tell you what to do. Be sure you have …
Medical tests
… how well the eyes, inner ears , and brain help you keep your balance and position (such as when you change from … when the head is moved. But nystagmus without moving your head or nystagmus that does not go away may be caused … of recordings is done. Baseline recordings are taken with your head at rest. More recordings are done: While you move …
Medical tests
… space (subarachnoid space) between the bones in your spine (spinal canal). A myelogram may be done to find a … is often done after the X-rays, while the dye is still in your body. Why It Is Done A myelogram is done to check for: … by other tests, such as an MRI or a CT scan. How To Prepare Your doctor will tell you if you need to change how much you …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Cardiac catheterization is a test to check your heart. This test uses a thin, flexible tube called a … exactly about when to stop eating and drinking. If your doctor told you to take your medicines on the day of the procedure, take them with …
Medical tests
… scan. A radioactive tracer is injected into a vein in your arm. It travels through your blood and into the lungs. Pictures from this scan can … The radioactive tracer used in this test can get into your breast milk and is not good for the baby. How It Is …
Medical tests
… an echogram, or a scan. They may be saved as part of your baby's record. Fetal ultrasound can be done two ways. … a small hand-held device called a transducer is moved over your belly. In a transvaginal ultrasound, a transducer is put into your vagina. Fetal ultrasound is the safest way to check for …
Medical tests
… dye ( contrast material ) is put in a vein ( IV ) in your arm or hand to make the blood vessels easier to see on the scan. If you are having this test to look at your heart and the blood vessels that go to it ( coronary … you may be given a medicine called a beta-blocker to slow your heart rate during the test. Benefits and limitations A …
Medical tests
… doctor can test the fluid to find the cause of the buildup. Your doctor will put a long, thin needle or a thin plastic tube, called a catheter, between two of your ribs. The doctor will use the needle or catheter to … will take about 15 minutes. You can go back to work or your normal activities as soon as you feel up to it. Why It …