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Medical tests
… are done before an EMG if both tests are being done. How long the test takes An EMG may take 30 to 60 minutes. Nerve … that the nerves send electrical impulses to the muscles or along the sensory nerves at normal speeds, or conduction … of nerves. The results from these studies are looked at along with other things. These include your medical history, …
Medical tests
… images to create a 3-dimensional picture of the breast. How long the test takes The test will take about 10 to 15 … images to create a 3-dimensional picture of the breast. How long the test takes The test will take about 10 to 15 …
Medical tests
… you to put the transducer into your vagina yourself. How long the test takes A transabdominal ultrasound takes about … use the ultrasound machine at higher energy levels and for longer times than needed in order to get a "good picture." … you to put the transducer into your vagina yourself. How long the test takes A transabdominal ultrasound takes about …
Medical tests
… are used to close the skin, and a bandage is put on. How long the test takes A fine needle breast biopsy takes about … are used to close the skin, and a bandage is put on. How long the test takes A fine needle breast biopsy takes about …
Medical tests
… site. You will also feel sleepy for several hours. How long the test takes A fine-needle aspiration biopsy takes … node dissection to remove cancer, the surgery may take longer. How It Feels You will feel only a quick sting from … a few days. Finding some types of infections may take longer. The lymph node sample is usually treated with …
Medical tests
… to any more radiation while the scan is being done. How long the test takes A kidney scan usually takes about 30 … to any more radiation while the scan is being done. How long the test takes A kidney scan usually takes about 30 …
Medical tests
… an exercise EKG. Understand exactly what test is planned, along with the risks, benefits, and other options. Tell your … pressure will be checked for about 5 to 10 minutes. How long the test takes The test may take about 30 to 60 … an exercise EKG. Understand exactly what test is planned, along with the risks, benefits, and other options. Tell your …
Medical tests
… your blood. Some meters will store the results for you. How long the test takes The blood glucose meter will show the … your blood. Some meters will store the results for you. How long the test takes The blood glucose meter will show the …
Medical tests
… urine to the large container. Then write down the time. How long the test takes The urine test will take 24 hours. The … urine to the large container. Then write down the time. How long the test takes The urine test will take 24 hours. The …
Medical tests
… creates nerve impulses. These nerve impulses then travel along the cochlear nerve to the brain and are read as sound. … doctor will reduce the loudness of a tone until you can no longer hear it. Then the tone will get louder until you can … words. Your doctor measures the level at which you can no longer hear the words well enough to repeat them. Auditory …