321 results found
Medical tests
… into water and carbon dioxide. When the oxygen level is low, carbohydrate breaks down for energy and makes lactic … cool and clammy skin, sweet-smelling breath, belly pain, nausea or vomiting, confusion, and coma. See whether … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Medical tests
… that can cause blindness by damaging the nerve in the back of the eye ( optic nerve ). Damage to the optic nerve … numb the surface of your eye are used with most of the following methods. Tonometry methods Applanation (Goldmann) … each eye. How It Feels Tonometry should not cause any eye pain. Your doctor will use eyedrops to numb the surface of …
Medical tests
… thyroid gland absorbs from the blood. The tracer can be swallowed or can be injected into a vein. It travels through … scan, a whole-body thyroid scan, may be done for people who have had thyroid cancer that has been treated. The … neck and upper body. For this test, you will lie on your back with your head tipped backward and your neck extended. …
Medical tests
… for hyperthyroidism. Plan treatment for patients who have had thyroid cancer surgery. How To Prepare Tell your … you if and when you need to stop taking any of the following medicines that can change the RAIU test results: … radiology department. For this test, you will lie on your back with your head tipped backward and your neck extended. …
Medical tests
… is usually done by putting a long, thin needle through the back and into the kidney. The doctor may do several biopsies … Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get … asked to lie on an examination table. A sandbag, a firm pillow, or a rolled towel will be placed under your body to …
Medical tests
… a transducer sends sound waves that echo off your heart and back to the transducer. These echoes are turned into moving … for the cause of shortness of breath or unexplained chest pains. Check how well your heart is pumping blood. Check to … chambers. Measure the blood pressure and speed of blood flow through the heart. How to Prepare You don't need to do …
Medical tests
… with the baseline. With good treatment, the viral load should go down. Within a few months of treatment, the virus … viral load. This means that the amount of the virus is too low for the test to detect. When the virus is undetectable, … through sex. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you …
Medical tests
… with your arm extended and your wrist resting on a small pillow. The health professional taking the blood may rotate your hand back and forth and feel for a pulse in your wrist. A … site. How It Feels Collecting blood from an artery is more painful than collecting it from a vein. That's because the …
Medical tests
… sample to show changes in the body, because hair grows slowly. Hair samples do not show recent changes in the body, … taken from a specific part of the body, such as from the back of the scalp by the neck or from the pubic area. Hair … months before the test. How It Feels There is generally no pain or discomfort associated with this test. But if you …
Medical tests
… reach the bone marrow. You may feel pressure or some dull pain during the procedure. After the doctor takes the … usually have a sample of bone marrow fluid taken from the back of the pelvic bone. In rare cases a fluid sample is … children may have the sample taken from the front of the lower leg bone, just below the knee. A bone marrow biopsy is …