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321 results found
Medical tests
… pictures. The contrast material may be used to check blood flow, find some types of tumours, and show areas of … of the shoulder is done to: Check unexplained shoulder pain. Find problems in the shoulder, such as arthritis , … will watch you through a window, and you'll be able to talk back and forth. If contrast material is needed, the …
Medical tests
… detect a chronic Lyme disease infection. Antibody testing should be done in a two-step process, using the ELISA followed by the Western blot test. The Western blot test should … tiredness. Fever. Headache and stiff neck. Muscle and joint pain. Symptoms of chronic Lyme disease infection include …
Medical tests
… This is a measure of the percentage of sperm that have a normal shape. Sperm motility. This is a measure of … motile density. pH. This is a measure of the acidity (low pH ) or alkalinity (high pH) of the semen. White blood … analysis are often ready within a day. Volume. A high or low semen volume may cause fertility problems. Liquefaction …
Medical tests
… These are also called electronic or digital monitors. They have a microphone to detect blood pulsing in the artery. The … pressure. Empty your bladder before the test. Sit with your back straight, such as on a dining chair, with both feet on … the blood pressure cuff around your upper arm so that the lower edge of the cuff is about 2.5 centimetres (1 inch) …
Medical tests
… a swab from inside your cheek, or a blood sample. You might have to go to a local lab to collect a blood sample. You'll … lab does the genetic testing. You'll get the test results back, either online, by mail, or by phone. Some at-home … if your results will stay safe and private. Your results should only be released to those who are authorized to …
Medical tests
… oral thermometer marked in fractions of a degree. This allows you to see even small changes in temperature better … in your shortest menstrual cycle. Your first fertile day should be that many days after your menstrual bleeding … for signs of ovulation (such as breast tenderness, belly pain, and mood changes). You may have any of the following …
Medical tests
… its inner fluid chambers (ventricles). Cerebrospinal fluid flows through these chambers. This test is most commonly done … care unit (NICU). Your baby will lie on his or her back. A device called a transducer is moved across the soft … 15 to 30 minutes. How It Feels This test doesn't cause any pain or discomfort for your baby. Risks There are no known …
Medical tests
… blood vessels. A cardiac catheterization can check blood flow in the coronary arteries. It also checks the function of … any necklaces, bracelets, rings, or other jewellery. You should also remove nail polish from your fingernails and … Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get …
Medical tests
… pictures. The contrast material may be used to check blood flow, find some types of tumours, and show areas of … knee is done to: Check for the cause of unexplained knee pain or the knee giving out for no reason. Find problems in … will watch you through a window, and you'll be able to talk back and forth. If contrast material is needed, the …
Medical tests
… used to: Check for infection after surgery. Find out if you have an increased chance of having a sudden heart problem, … Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes). Giant cell arteritis (painful swelling of the blood vessels in the head and neck). … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …