321 results found
Medical tests
… body uses for energy. A person with galactosemia doesn't have one of these enzymes, so high levels of galactose build … breast milk or formula. Babies with galactosemia need foods low in galactose in order to gain weight and to prevent … breast milk or formula. Babies with galactosemia need foods low in galactose in order to gain weight and to prevent …
Medical tests
… pattern or a spiral pattern . Move your fingers slowly in small coin-sized circles. Use three different … what your breasts normally look and feel like, any changes should be checked by a doctor. Changes may include: Any new lump. It may or may not be painful to touch. Unusual thick areas. Sticky or bloody …
Medical tests
… in which the body can't break down fatty substances as it should, so the fatty substances collect in the nerve cells … the baby will be a carrier . This means that the child will have one gene that produces Hex A and one that doesn't. The … this test to see whether you are a Tay-Sachs carrier, you should tell your doctor if you have had a blood transfusion …
Medical tests
… that are important to many health problems. Pregnancy: Should I Have Screening Tests for Birth Defects? Why It Is Done The … means that you have a negative result and your baby has a lower chance of a birth defect. With the quad test, there is …
Medical tests
… can be done in your doctor's office or clinic. You may have an injection of a numbing medicine ( local anesthetic … the vulva , scrotum , or penis. The injection can be painful. But local anesthetic is needed when the biopsy is … Why It Is Done You may have a biopsy if any of the following are true: Your doctor is not sure what type of …
Medical tests
… defect. In that case, your doctor may suggest that you have a diagnostic test, which can show if there is a birth … that are important to many health problems. Pregnancy: Should I Have Screening Tests for Birth Defects? Why It Is … 18 and Down syndrome (trisomy 21) . Learn more Pregnancy: Should I Have Screening Tests for Birth Defects? How To …
Medical tests
… ear infection. As a treatment for a child with severe ear pain. Removal of fluid from behind the eardrum relieves pressure in the ear, easing pain. This may work better than medicines for ear pain. Results In most cases, doing a culture and sensitivity …
Medical tests
… has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … that damages the liver and keeps it from working the way it should. Substance use disorder . Medical … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Medical tests
… Then a long, thin needle will be carefully inserted just below your breastbone. (In some cases, the needle is inserted … a few hours. How It Feels You will feel a brief stinging pain when the local anesthetic is injected. When the needle … You might feel pain in another location, such as your shoulder. You may also have some irregular or "skipped" …
Medical tests
… can also mean that the eustachian tube, which connects the back of the nose and throat with the middle ear, is not … can also mean that the eustachian tube, which connects the back of the nose and throat with the middle ear, is not …