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291 results found
Medical tests
… cause red blood cells to clump together (agglutinate) at low temperatures. Healthy people generally have low levels … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … temperatures. These symptoms can include numbness, burning, pain, or pale skin of the fingertips, toes, ears, or nose. …
Medical tests
… dexamethasone suppression test checks to see how taking a steroid medicine called dexamethasone changes the levels of … make less cortisol. Dexamethasone, which is like cortisol, lowers the amount of ACTH released by the pituitary gland. … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Medical tests
… Then a long, thin needle will be carefully inserted just below your breastbone. (In some cases, the needle is inserted … a few hours. How It Feels You will feel a brief stinging pain when the local anesthetic is injected. When the needle … You might feel pain in another location, such as your shoulder. You may also have some irregular or "skipped" …
Medical tests
… too high. And if your kidneys aren't working the way they should, the level of uric acid in the urine can get too low. High levels of uric acid can cause crystals to form in joints. This causes a painful problem called gout . If gout isn't treated, the …
Medical tests
… oral thermometer marked in fractions of a degree. This allows you to see even small changes in temperature better … in your shortest menstrual cycle. Your first fertile day should be that many days after your menstrual bleeding … for signs of ovulation (such as breast tenderness, belly pain, and mood changes). You may have any of the following …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to look at your airway through a thin … Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get … bronchoscopy During this procedure, you will lie on your back on a table with your shoulders and neck supported by a …
Medical tests
… The vibration speed of a sound wave determines how high or low a sound is (pitch). The height of the sound wave … Talk to your doctor about whether your child has been or should be tested. To screen children and teens for hearing … 1 hour. How It Feels This test usually doesn't cause any pain or discomfort. Risks There are no known risks from …
Medical tests
… test uses reflected sound waves to see how blood flows through a blood vessel. It helps doctors assess the … most often used for the neck, arms, and legs. Check leg pain that may be caused by intermittent claudication . This … during the test. For abdominal scans, you will lie on your back. For chest scans, you will lie on your back with your …
Medical tests
… and scanners to make magnified images, or pictures, of the back of your eye . This includes the retina. It's the part … the image. Angiogram. A dye is injected into your arm. It flows through your blood to the blood vessels in your eye. … of your eye. How It Feels The tests themselves don't cause pain or discomfort. For some tests, very bright light may …
Medical tests
… a kidney stone through a ureter or the urethra may be painless or it may cause severe pain. A kidney stone may … little pain. A larger stone may cause a lot of pain in the lower back, groin, or genitals as it moves down the ureters or the …