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291 results found
Medical tests
… test. How It Is Done You will be asked to tilt your head back and open your mouth as wide as possible. Your doctor … and throat. A clean cotton swab will be rubbed over the back of your throat, around your tonsils, and over any red … test. How It Is Done You will be asked to tilt your head back and open your mouth as wide as possible. Your doctor …
Medical tests
… uses ultrasound to measure the thickness of the skin at the back of your baby's neck. An increase in the thickness can … means that you have a negative result and your baby has a lower chance of a birth defect. But it doesn't guarantee … means that you have a negative result and your baby has a lower chance of a birth defect. But it doesn't guarantee …
Medical tests
… a genetic illness. The results may tell you about your ancestry, your health, or your risk for certain diseases. Testing … can be collected by having you spit into a tube. It isn't painful. A cheek swab collects cells from the inside lining … days. Risks Risks from gathering a sample There is a very low risk of problems from taking samples of blood, saliva, …
Medical tests
… chambers . The two upper chambers are called atria. The two lower chambers are called ventricles. A natural electrical … electrical activity. Find the cause of unexplained chest pain or pressure. This could be caused by a heart attack, … problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the test and how soon …
Medical tests
… external monitoring is done remotely. This is called telemetry. It allows you to be checked without being hooked up to a machine. … monitoring For external monitoring, you may lie on your back or left side. Two belts with sensors attached will be …
Medical tests
… studied. One part of the scanning machine can tilt to follow the curve of your spine. All of the pictures are saved … on the CT pictures. The dye may be used to check for blood flow and look for tumours , areas of inflammation , or nerve … takes a few minutes. How It Feels The test will not cause pain, but some people feel nervous inside the CT scanner. If …
Medical tests
… example, it might be used to see if someone who has muscle pain has serious muscle damage. The isoenzyme MM is raised … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … example, it might be used to see if someone who has muscle pain has serious muscle damage. The isoenzyme MM is raised …
Medical tests
… pictures. The contrast material may be used to check blood flow, find some types of tumours, and show areas of … will watch you through a window, and you'll be able to talk back and forth. If contrast material is needed, the … can take as long as 2 hours. How It Feels You won't have pain from the magnetic field or radio waves used for the MRI …
Medical tests
… Collect the urine in the container. After the urine has flowed for several seconds, place the collection container in … or pinch. Urine test This test usually doesn't cause any pain or discomfort. Risks Blood test There is very little … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Medical tests
… see on the CT pictures. The dye may be used to check blood flow and look for tumours, areas of inflammation , or nerve … takes a few minutes. How It Feels The test will not cause pain, but some people feel nervous inside the CT scanner. If … cancer from being exposed to small amounts of radiation is low. It is not a reason to avoid these tests for most …