291 results found
Medical tests
… lead-contaminated foods, water, or other material (such as paint chips). By breathing dust or smoke containing lead. … arm. How It Feels Blood sample from a heel stick A brief pain, like a sting or a pinch, is usually felt when the … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Medical tests
… the blood. The blood with the technetium is then injected back into your bloodstream. Red blood cells with the … technetium-labelled red blood cell bleeding scan may find slow bleeding that can't be seen using angiography. The … using colonoscopy or other methods. If the bleeding is too slow or intermittent to be detected by angiography. If …
Medical tests
… It Is Done ERCP is done to: Check on jaundice or ongoing pain related to the liver or pancreas. Find gallstones or … during your procedure. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the procedure and how … your tongue out of the way. You may be asked to swallow to help move the tube along. The scope is no thicker …
Medical tests
… provinces have legal consequences starting at levels as low as 0.05. Legal limits are set lower for drivers who are not fully licensed. Blood alcohol … amount of alcohol in the blood can cause poor judgment and slowed reflexes. BAC and the effects of drinking alcohol vary …
Medical tests
… beam of X-rays to look at movement within the body. It allows the doctor to see your organs move or to guide a biopsy … scan can look for problems of the arms or legs, such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, or foot. … takes a few minutes. How It Feels The test will not cause pain, but some people feel nervous inside the CT scanner. If …
Medical tests
… If the biopsy will be done under general anesthesia , follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and … Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get … problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the test and how soon …
Medical tests
… and shows how well your heart is working. Normally, only a low amount of BNP is found in your blood. But if your heart … and shows how well your heart is working. Normally, only a low amount of BNP is found in your blood. But if your heart …
Medical tests
… from retina problems. Night blindness (trouble seeing in low light) or colour blindness. Eye problems from vascular … includes infants or patients who can't respond to or follow instructions. How To Prepare You don't need to do anything special to prepare for the tests. Follow any instructions your doctor gives you about what to do …
Medical tests
… started a gluten-free diet, your doctor will have you go back to eating gluten foods several weeks ahead of the test. … started a gluten-free diet, your doctor will have you go back to eating gluten foods several weeks ahead of the test. …
Medical tests
… one of the ways to measure healthy weight. People who are trying to become more fit and lose weight sometimes use the … Underwater weighing. This is also called hydrodensitometry. It is based on the principle that fat tissue is less … bone. DXA. This is also called dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. DXA is a type of X-ray that can tell how much fat …