291 results found
Medical tests
… forms of thalassemia , may cause hemoglobin A levels to be low and hemoglobin F levels to be high. Hemoglobin F (fetal … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … in the normal range may still be normal for you. High and low values Higher-than-normal amounts of both hemoglobin A2 …
Medical tests
… has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … B12 to use folate. So if vitamin B12 levels are very low, folate can't be used by the cells, and high levels of … is not a reliable way to test for a vitamin B12 deficiency. Low values Low folate levels can also mean that you have a …
Medical tests
… spine X-ray. It takes pictures of the 5 bones of the lower back (lumbar vertebrae) and a view of the 5 fused bones at … Done A spinal X-ray is done to: Find the cause of ongoing pain, numbness, or weakness. Check for arthritis of the …
Medical tests
… ) for testing. If collecting the sample is likely to cause pain, you may be given a shot to numb the area ( local … fungi, and viruses grow quickly in culture, and some grow slowly. Test results may take from 1 day to several weeks, … fungi, and viruses grow quickly in culture, and some grow slowly. Test results may take from 1 day to several weeks, …
Medical tests
… may be one of the first tests done to find a cause of belly pain, swelling, nausea, or vomiting. And other tests (such … or ongoing nausea and vomiting. Find a cause of pain in the lower back on either side of the spine (flank pain). An abdominal …
Medical tests
… and electrolytes in the body. Find out if you have swallowed a poison, such as rubbing alcohol, wood alcohol, or … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … kidneys to lose water and produce large amounts of urine. Low values Low levels may be caused by: Too much water in …
Medical tests
… of skin or lips (labia) apart. Wipe the area from front to back. If you have a penis, use the wipes to clean the tip. … your skin away from the urine stream. After the urine has flowed for several seconds, place the collection container in … hands. How It Feels This test usually doesn't cause any pain or discomfort. Risks There are no known risks from …
Medical tests
… aspirin or some other blood thinner, ask your doctor if you should stop taking it before your test. Make sure that you … how soon before the biopsy to stop eating and drinking. Follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and … Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for you to drive or get …
Medical tests
… A series of X-ray pictures is usually taken from the front, back, top, and sides of your head. Hold your head completely … screen (digitally). How It Feels You won't feel any pain from the X-ray itself. You may find that the positions … of damage to cells or tissue from radiation, including the low levels of radiation used for this test. But the chance …
Medical tests
… ) is present. Check to see if iron treatment to raise or lower the iron level is working. How To Prepare In general, … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … as the pancreas or heart, can affect how the organ works. Low values Low ferritin levels often mean an iron deficiency …