272 results found
Medical tests
… and camera ( fluoroscopy ) to take pictures of the blood flow in the blood vessels of the head and neck . An angiogram … your doctor. An angiogram can be done on an inpatient or outpatient basis. If you are an outpatient, you will stay in … mild. You may have a headache, flushing of the face, or a salty or metallic taste in your mouth after the dye is used. …
Medical tests
… that uses dye and a camera to take pictures of the blood flow in an artery or a vein. An angiogram can be used to look … pictures may be taken. After the test The catheter is taken out after the angiogram, and pressure is put on the needle … mild. You may have a headache, flushing of the face, or a salty or metallic taste in your mouth after the dye is used. …
Medical tests
… taken from a vein or in a sample of urine. Normally, only low levels of amylase are found in the blood or urine. But … usually provide you with a large container that holds about 4 L (1 gal) . The container has a small amount of … taken from a vein or in a sample of urine. Normally, only low levels of amylase are found in the blood or urine. But …
Medical tests
… can express yourself. Your doctor will also ask questions about how you get along with other people. This includes your … How well you are able to carry out routine tasks, such as eating, dressing, shopping, or banking. Sometimes a longer … disorder . Conduct disorder . Bipolar disorders . Eating disorders . Developmental problems, such as: Learning …
Medical tests
… tissues around them to help find problems with the teeth, mouth, and jaw. X-ray pictures can show cavities, hidden … a visual examination. Dental X-rays may also be done as follow-up after dental treatments. The following types of dental X-rays are commonly used. The X-rays …
Medical tests
… The doctor will use the needle or catheter to take fluid out. You may get medicine before the procedure. This helps … need to take off all or most of your clothes (you may be allowed to keep on your underwear if it does not interfere … Normal: A small amount of clear, colourless, or pale yellow pleural fluid, usually less than 20 mL (0.7 fl oz) , is …
Medical tests
… from the foods you eat. Most of the uric acid is filtered out by the kidneys and passes out of the body in urine. A small amount passes out of the body in stool. But if too much uric acid is being …
Medical tests
… from retina problems. Night blindness (trouble seeing in low light) or colour blindness. Eye problems from vascular … the tests. Follow any instructions your doctor gives you about what to do before your test. For visual evoked response (VER): Follow your doctor's instructions about eating to avoid low blood sugar. Avoid caffeine within 12 …
Medical tests
… spots in the pictures. Areas where the tracer collects in low amounts or does not show up are seen as dark spots. The … camera will be placed right above you. It may move slowly above and around your body, scanning for the tracer … of the scans. How long the test takes The test will take about an hour. How It Feels You may feel nothing at all from …
Medical tests
… and shows how well your heart is working. Normally, only a low amount of BNP is found in your blood. But if your heart … such as trouble breathing or swelling in your legs. Find out how severe heart failure is. How To Prepare You do not … and shows how well your heart is working. Normally, only a low amount of BNP is found in your blood. But if your heart …