272 results found
Medical tests
… Neuropsychological testing can help your doctor find out how a problem with your brain is affecting your ability … of a neuropsychological test. For example, depression can slow your thinking. But your doctor will consider your other … of a neuropsychological test. For example, depression can slow your thinking. But your doctor will consider your other …
Medical tests
… your lungs can hold. How quickly you can move air in and out of your lungs. How well your lungs put oxygen into and … You breathe through a mouthpiece while pressure and air flow measurements are collected. Residual volume (RV). This … caffeine. Caffeine can cause your airways to relax and allow more air than usual to pass through. If you have …
Medical tests
… studied. One part of the scanning machine can tilt to follow the curve of your spine. All of the pictures are saved … on the CT pictures. The dye may be used to check for blood flow and look for tumours , areas of inflammation , or nerve … the test. How long the test takes The test will take about 30 to 60 minutes. Most of this time is spent getting …
Medical tests
… cervical cell changes may get better on their own without treatment. But some cervical cell changes can progress … if they're not treated. There are many types of HPV. Some low-risk types cause common skin warts . Some cause genital … It Is Done For this test, you need to remove your clothes below the waist and drape a paper or cloth covering around …
Medical tests
… Help find what is causing a change in consciousness . Find out if a person who is in a coma is brain-dead. Study sleep … The recording may be stopped from time to time. This allows you to stretch and change your position. The … There are no abnormal bursts of electrical activity and no slow brain waves on the EEG tracing. If flashing lights are …
Medical tests
… a cloth or paper gown to use during the test. You may be allowed to keep on your underwear if it does not get in the … handled gently and supported when moved or repositioned. Pillows, sandbags, or other objects may be used to hold the … How long the test takes An extremity X-ray usually takes about 5 to 10 minutes. You will wait about 5 minutes until the …
Medical tests
… spine X-ray. It takes pictures of the 5 bones of the lower back (lumbar vertebrae) and a view of the 5 fused … a cloth or paper gown to use during the test. You may be allowed to keep on your underwear if it does not get in the … done to see whether the brace can be taken off without hurting the spine. Usually 3 to 5 X-ray pictures are …
Medical tests
… lighted tool called a bronchoscope is inserted through the mouth or nose and into the airway to remove a lung tissue … doctor will tell you how soon before the biopsy to stop eating and drinking. Follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and …
Medical tests
… CD4+ counts generally decrease as HIV progresses. A low CD4+ count usually means a weakened immune system and a … so that you understand what the test results could mean about your HIV infection. How It Is Done A health professional … HIV, the CD4+ count almost always goes up with treatment. Low CD4+ counts make infections more likely. Related …
Medical tests
… Done A biophysical profile (BPP) test is done to: Learn about and keep track of your baby's health during your … baby's heartbeat as a beeping sound. You may see it printed out on a chart. You may be asked to push a button on the … How long the test takes The non-stress test will take about 20 to 40 minutes. The fetal ultrasound will take about …