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272 results found
Medical tests
… of a body after death. It may be done to learn about a disease or injury. Or it may be done to find out how … parts of the body. Make sure that what you request will allow the doctor doing the examination to answer your … parts of the body. Make sure that what you request will allow the doctor doing the examination to answer your …
Medical tests
… the image. Angiogram. A dye is injected into your arm. It flows through your blood to the blood vessels in your eye. … Your vision is getting worse and your doctor wants to find out why. Eye examinations, including retinal imaging, may … the image. Angiogram. A dye is injected into your arm. It flows through your blood to the blood vessels in your eye. …
Medical tests
… test A morning urine sample gives the best information about albumin levels. Wash your hands before you collect the … Collect the urine in the container. After the urine has flowed for several seconds, place the collection container in … (2 fl oz) of this "midstream" urine without stopping the flow. Don't touch the rim of the container to your genital …
Medical tests
… your regular checkup. Talk with your health professional about how often you need a breast examination. Women with … press on the breast tissue from about 2.5 cm (1 in.) below the breast up to the collarbone. He or she also will … of a clinical breast examination may include the following. Clinical breast examination Normal: The nipples, …
Medical tests
… with the blood vessels that may be causing reduced blood flow. With MRA, both the blood flow and the condition of the blood vessel walls can be seen. … into your IV. In rare cases, you may feel: Tingling in the mouth if you have metal dental fillings. Warmth in the area …
Medical tests
… of structures more clearly. The dye may help show blood flow, look for some types of tumours, and show areas of … is called an arteriovenous [AV] malformation). Check blood flow or blood clots to the brain. MRI can show bleeding in or … into your IV. In rare cases, you may feel: Tingling in the mouth if you have metal dental fillings. Warmth in the area …
Medical tests
… the front parts of the eye. These parts include the clear, outer covering (cornea), the lens, and the coloured part … a paper strip that is gently touched to the inside of your lower eyelid. The dye dissolves in your tears, coats your … a paper strip that is gently touched to the inside of your lower eyelid. The dye dissolves in your tears, coats your …
Medical tests
… easier to find problems with increased or abnormal blood flow, such as with some types of cancer or areas of … clothes, depending on which area is examined. (You may be allowed to keep on your underwear if it's not in the way.) You … into your IV. In rare cases, you may feel: Tingling in the mouth if you have metal dental fillings. Warmth in the area …
Medical tests
… male sex organs. They are located in the scrotum, a pouch below the penis. The testicles make sperm and the male hormone testosterone . Each testicle is about the size and shape of a small egg. At the back of each … testicle. One testicle (usually the left) may hang a little lower than the other. One testicle may be a little larger …
Medical tests
… caused by a buildup of fluid that does not drain properly out of the eye. Tonometry measures IOP by recording the … numb the surface of your eye are used with most of the following methods. Tonometry methods Applanation (Goldmann) … can be used to see if medicine is keeping your IOP below a certain target pressure set by your doctor. How To …