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272 results found
Medical tests
… useful for a person who has diabetes to have information about the long-term control of blood sugar levels. The A1c … numbness. Keeping your A1c level in your target range can lower your chance for problems. Why It Is Done The A1c test … treatment, if needed. How To Prepare You don't need to stop eating before you have an A1c test. This test can be done at …
Medical tests
… incisions from the surgery usually leave several scars about 1 centimetre (1/2 inch) long. Why It Is Done Laparoscopy … made if other tools will be used during the surgery. A hollow needle is put through the first incision. Then air is … help you breathe. Use throat lozenges and gargle with warm salt water to help your sore throat. After a laparoscopy, …
Medical tests
… those from a CT scan to get more detailed information about where the tracer is located. A PET scan is often used to evaluate cancer, check blood flow, or see how organs are working. Why It Is Done Positron … tomography (PET) scan is done to: Study the brain's blood flow and metabolic activity. A PET scan can help a doctor …
Medical tests
… the back of the chest and belly. It supplies blood to the lower part of the body and the legs. Liver . This large … They also make urine. If your doctor needs more details about a specific organ in the upper part of your belly, you … on the evening before the test. Then you may need to avoid eating for 8 to 12 hours before the test. For a test of the …
Medical tests
… and camera ( fluoroscopy ) to take pictures of the blood flow in the blood vessels of the lung . During an angiogram, … with your doctor. This test can be done as an inpatient or outpatient. If you are an outpatient, you will stay in a … You may have a headache, flushing of the face, or a salty or metallic taste in your mouth after the dye is used. …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Colonoscopy is a test that allows your doctor to look at the inner lining of your large … be collected ( biopsy ) and abnormal growths can be taken out. Colonoscopy can also be used as a screening test to … granola. Follow your doctor's directions about when to stop eating solid foods and drink only clear liquids. You can …
Medical tests
… Swallowing Study On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How … Feels Risks Results Test Overview A swallowing study is a test that shows what your throat and … at later. How long the test takes The test will take about 20 to 30 minutes. How It Feels You won't feel any pain …
Medical tests
… are problems with the urinary system and to see how urine flows out of the bladder. This test, also called a VCUG, uses … and drains. A VCUG can show if urine from the bladder is flowing back up toward the kidneys. This is called …
Medical tests
… Check for coronary artery disease, which can reduce blood flow to the heart muscle during stress. Look at the heart … and check how well they work. Check to see how well blood flows through the heart, heart valves, and blood vessels. How … do several things, such as hold very still, breathe in and out very slowly, hold your breath, or lie on your left side. …
Medical tests
… motile density. pH. This is a measure of the acidity (low pH ) or alkalinity (high pH) of the semen. White blood … in semen. Why It Is Done A semen analysis is done to find out if: There is a reproductive problem that is causing … analysis are often ready within a day. Volume. A high or low semen volume may cause fertility problems. Liquefaction …