156 results found
Medical tests
… Testosterone Test On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done … of testosterone in the body. When the testosterone level is low, the pituitary gland releases a hormone called … Before puberty , the testosterone level in boys is normally low. Testosterone increases during puberty. This causes boys …
Medical tests
… Lung Cancer Screening: Low-Dose Spiral CT Scan On this page: Test Overview Why It … your doctor recommends lung cancer screening, you'll have a low-dose computed tomography (CT) scan of your chest once a … around your body. This doughnut-shaped machine sends low-dose X-rays, or radiation, through your chest to make …
Medical tests
… the monthly cycle. LH also stimulates the production of testosterone , which plays a role in sperm production. Why … of your urine can be tested for LH. It's important to follow the package directions exactly if you are doing the test … chemotherapy, cancer, or injury. Klinefelter syndrome . Low values Low luteinizing hormone values may mean: Anorexia …
Medical tests
… that is made in the adrenal glands . The body turns it into testosterone . A test for DHEA-S checks the level of this … before you have your blood drawn. In most cases, you are allowed to take your medicines with water the morning of the … before you have your blood drawn. In most cases, you are allowed to take your medicines with water the morning of the …
Medical tests
… motile density. pH. This is a measure of the acidity (low pH ) or alkalinity (high pH) of the semen. White blood … analysis are often ready within a day. Volume. A high or low semen volume may cause fertility problems. Liquefaction … done. Other tests may include measuring hormones, such as testosterone , luteinizing hormone (LH) , …
Medical tests
… able to make normal amounts of prolactin so levels will be lower. Why It Is Done A test for prolactin is done: To find … dysfunction). Prolactin levels may be checked when a man's testosterone levels are really low. To see whether a tumour in the pituitary gland (called …
Medical tests
… is needed for reproduction) and male hormones, such as testosterone . Why It Is Done A testicular biopsy may be … But this is rare. It may also be done if both of the following are true: There is a low sperm count or no sperm in the semen . Hormone test …
Medical tests
… penis. The tool uses reflected sound waves to show blood flow on a computer screen. The results of your tests may show … of the arteries (atherosclerosis) can limit blood flow. And long-distance bicycle riding on a hard, narrow … having an erection problem. Low levels of hormones, such as testosterone or thyroid hormones. Side effects of medicines, …
Medical tests
… the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Insulin allows glucose to enter body cells where it is used for … pancreas does not make any insulin (type 1 diabetes) has a low level of insulin and C-peptide. A person with type 2 … C-peptide. A C-peptide test can also help find the cause of low blood sugar ( hypoglycemia ). Possible causes of low …
Medical tests
… in the early morning (between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.) and lowest in the evening (between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m.). ACTH … glands or pituitary gland. A high level of ACTH and a low level of cortisol (or low ACTH and high cortisol levels) could be caused by a …