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156 results found
Medical tests
… substances in the body, such as bacteria or viruses, a low level of complement means the body is trying to get rid … substances (as in autoimmune diseases such as lupus ), a low level of complement may mean that the body is attacking … substances in the body, such as bacteria or viruses, a low level of complement means the body is trying to get rid …
Medical tests
… and muscle weakness. Find the cause of symptoms such as low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, … in people who have kidney disease. Find the cause of a low calcium or potassium level that is not improving with … See if people who have heart problems need extra magnesium. Low magnesium levels can increase the chances of …
Medical tests
… Urine sodium levels are often high when blood levels are low. The urine sodium level is often low when blood levels are high. Urine sodium levels are affected by medicines and hormones. Low urine sodium levels have many causes, such as heart …
Medical tests
… of damage to cells or tissue from radiation, including the low levels of radiation used for this test. But the chance of damage from the X-rays is extremely low. It is not a reason to avoid the test. If you need an … from the X-rays. The chance of harm is usually very low compared with the benefits of the test. Results In an …
Medical tests
… belly. When the area is numb, your doctor will gently and slowly put the paracentesis needle in where the extra fluid … is a small chance that your blood pressure could drop to a low level. You may be given fluids through an intravenous … is a small chance that your blood pressure could drop to a low level. If this is a concern, I.V. fluids, medicines, or …
Medical tests
… of damage to cells or tissue. That's the case even with the low-level radioactive tracer used for this test. But the chance of damage is very low compared with the benefits of the test. Most of the … of damage to cells or tissue. That's the case even with the low-level radioactive tracer used for this test. But the …
Medical tests
… of damage to cells or tissue from radiation, including the low levels of radiation used for this test. But the chance of damage from the X-rays is extremely low. It is not a reason to avoid the test. If you need an … from the X-rays. The chance of harm is usually very low compared with the benefits of the test. Results In an …
Medical tests
… to find out if the right dose of heparin is being used. Low levels of blood clotting factors. A change in the … Find a cause of abnormal bleeding or bruising. Check for low levels of blood clotting factors. The lack of some … A longer-than-normal PTT or APTT can mean a lack of or low level of one of the blood clotting factors or another …
Medical tests
… need to take off all or most of your clothes (you may be allowed to keep on your underwear if it does not interfere … Normal: A small amount of clear, colourless, or pale yellow pleural fluid, usually less than 20 mL (0.7 fl oz) , is … as either a transudate or an exudate. A transudate has a low white blood cell (WBC) count, a low lactate …
Medical tests
… a barium enema or upper gastrointestinal series (barium swallow). Barium can interfere with test results. Travelled in … each day. You may need to collect more than one sample. Follow the directions in the kits. The contents may be … so that you don't get any urine in the stool sample. Follow the directions for putting the sample collection …