329 results found
Medical tests
… X-rays are then taken. ERCP can diagnose and treat certain problems found during the test. In some cases, your doctor … gargle, or lozenge to relax your gag reflex. This makes it easier to insert a thin, flexible fibre-optic endoscope … swollen. Some people report feeling as though they can't breathe sometimes because of the tube in their throat. This …
Medical tests
… He or she checks it for infection or other liver problems. Percutaneous (say "per-kew-TAY-nee-us") means … breath lowers the chance that the needle will go in your lung since the lungs are very close to the liver. It is … angle. As soon as the doctor removes the needle, you can breathe normally. A bandage will be put on the puncture …
Medical tests
… Spirometry measures how much and how quickly you can breathe air in and out. An exercise challenge test can see … may be used to: See whether the tubes that carry air to the lungs (bronchial tubes) overreact to breathing cold air or … that may be causing your symptoms and then measures your lung function. Asthma in Children Asthma …
Medical tests
… flavour, like chocolate or strawberry, is used to make it easier to drink. Risks The barium in the food isn't harmful. … may choke and inhale (aspirate) some of the liquid into the lungs. There is a small chance that the barium will block … may choke and inhale (aspirate) some of the liquid into the lungs. There is a small chance that the barium will block …
Medical tests
… , or computed tomography (CT) scan . MRI also may show problems that cannot be seen with other imaging methods. For … and coronary blood vessels . It can show if the heart or lungs are damaged. MRI of the chest may also be used to look … or an infection is present. Fluid is found around the lungs or heart. Fluid is found around the liver, bowel, or …
Medical tests
… to check for possible puncture and collapse of your left lung. You will be closely watched for several hours. How … of your blood vessels. The needle may also puncture your lung, your liver, or your stomach. These complications are not common. If problems happen during the procedure, doctors can likely fix …
Medical tests
… of the breast. It does not use X-rays. MRI may show problems in the breast that can't be seen on a mammogram , … from normal breast tissue. The contrast material makes it easier to find problems with increased or abnormal blood flow, such as with …
Medical tests
… inflamed areas of the intestine, malabsorption syndrome, or problems with the squeezing motion that moves food through … flavour, like chocolate or strawberry, is used to make it easier to drink. Some people don't like it when the X-ray … may choke and inhale (aspirate) some of the liquid into the lungs. There is a small chance that the barium will block …
Medical tests
… may be about 8 hours. Be sure to tell your doctor about any problems you have with your stomach or esophagus. Be sure … or lozenge. This is to relax your gag reflex and to make it easier to insert the probe. Shortly before the procedure … feel numb and swollen. Some people feel like they can't breathe at times because of the probe in their throat, but …
Medical tests
… the radioactive material as it flows through the heart and lungs. The percentage of blood pumped out of the heart with … pictures of the blood as it goes through the heart and lungs the first time. MUGA scan (multigated acquisition … flow of blood through the veins in your arm. This makes it easier to put the needle into a vein properly. A small …