329 results found
Medical tests
… or cloudy), odour, concentration, and acidity (pH) of your urine. It also checks your levels of protein, sugar, blood cells, or other substances in your urine. A urine test may be done to help find the cause …
Medical tests
… in the blood and fluid levels in the body, which affects your blood pressure. A renin test is often done at the same … medicines (especially beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors). Your doctor may have you take other medicines for a few … need to sit or lie down to relax for 1 to 2 hours before your blood is collected. A second blood sample may be …
Medical tests
… breathing it. The test measures the amount of hemoglobin in your blood that has bonded with carbon monoxide. Carbon … the oxygen that is normally carried by the hemoglobin in your red blood cells. As a result, your brain and other tissues get less oxygen. This can cause …
Medical tests
… how well the liver and kidneys are working. Find out if your diet contains enough protein. Help find the cause of … of breath. Globulin is tested to: Find out how well your body is able to fight off infection. See if you have a … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… It takes pictures of the organs and other structures in your body. It can be used in different areas such as the … blood vessel. It may be used to find the cause of pain in your belly or another part of your body. Or it can be used to look for a cyst, tumour, or …
Medical tests
… out whether a kidney stone or something else is blocking your urinary tract . During the test, your doctor will insert a thin, lighted tube ( cystoscope ) … need a local or regional anesthetic with this procedure. Your doctor may do this test if an intravenous pyelogram …
Medical tests
… of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). A slight drop in your ABI with exercise means that you probably have PAD. … resting ankle-brachial index is 1.0 to 1.4. This means that your blood pressure at your ankle is the same or greater than the pressure at your …
Medical tests
… Normal Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a guide. Your doctor will also look at your results based on your …
Medical tests
… nicotine—or the chemicals it produces, such as cotinine—in your blood or urine. It's usually done by testing a sample of your blood or urine. The test is used to see if you smoke or … smoke but are using a quit-smoking aid like gum or a patch, your test result may be positive. But you may be able to get …
Medical tests
… made by the body to fight the virus. They will be in your blood if you have a hepatitis A infection now or have … 8 to 12 weeks after you are first infected. They stay in your blood and protect you from hepatitis A permanently. Why … had other tests that show you have liver problems. You or your doctor wants to know if you are protected from getting …