243 results found
Medical tests
… organs or other structures in the pelvis and lower belly. During the examination, the doctor gently puts a lubricated, … organs, such as the bladder, can sometimes also be felt during a digital rectal examination. Why It Is Done A … growths. How It Feels Men may feel some discomfort or pain during a digital rectal examination (DRE). Your doctor must …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Fertility awareness is a way to check the changes your body goes through during your menstrual cycle . (It's also called natural … planning or periodic abstinence.) Learning about these changes can help you know when you ovulate . You can then …
Medical tests
… about your sexual history and do a physical examination . During this examination, the doctor will: Check your blood … nights in a row. Electronic devices. These devices measure changes in the fullness of the penis. They have one or more … the penis. These are hooked to a small unit that records changes as the loops are stretched. Intracavernosal …
Medical tests
… stress test checks to see if your baby will stay healthy during contractions when you are in labour. This test … unit. The heart rate monitor may be moved if your baby changes position. Your baby's heart rate and your … unit. The heart rate monitor may be moved if your baby changes position. Your baby's heart rate and your …
Medical tests
… your baby's heartbeat patterns. It can show heart rate changes when the baby moves. It also shows changes when you have contractions, if you're having them. A … done when there is any question about how the baby is doing during later pregnancy. Some women with high-risk …
Medical tests
… type of HPV is present. High-risk types of HPV cause changes in the cells of the cervix that can be seen as abnormal changes on a Pap test. Abnormal cervical cell changes may … warts . Some cause genital warts. These may be diagnosed during a physical examination. Other types don't cause any …
Medical tests
… products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should … a blood pressure cuff on your arm. And you may have an IV. During the test, you will lie flat on a table that can tilt … Then you will be checked for symptoms again. If you faint during the test, the table will be returned to a flat …
Medical tests
… scan uses X-rays to make pictures of the head and face. During the test, you will lie on a table that is attached to … An area of the brain shows swelling ( edema ) or other changes that may mean a stroke . The sinuses are filled with … An area of the brain shows swelling ( edema ) or other changes that may mean a stroke . The sinuses are filled with …
Medical tests
… may help you better understand your body, the changes that take place during the menstrual cycle , and any problems that may need … slightly acidic (like vinegar), may be thick or thin, and changes a little throughout the menstrual cycle. To learn …
Medical tests
… taken from the lining of your stomach and small intestine during an endoscopy . Several different tests may be done on … any pain or discomfort. If your doctor collects the sample during a rectal examination, you may feel some pressure or … as the tube is moved. Even though you won't be able to talk during the procedure because you have a tube in your throat, …