329 results found
Medical tests
… (sometimes called a vaginal smear) is a test to find the cause of vaginitis, or inflammation of the vagina and the vulva . Vaginitis is often caused by an infection. The most common infections that can cause vaginitis include bacterial vaginosis, yeast …
Medical tests
… germs (such as bacteria, a virus, or a fungus ) that can cause an infection. A sample of skin, tissue, or fluid is … no germs grow, the culture is negative. If germs that can cause an infection grow, the culture is positive. The type … types of bacteria that normally live on or in the body can cause an infection if they go to parts of the body where …
Medical tests
… leaking out of blood vessels. Albumin also helps carry some medicines and other substances through the blood and is … out if your diet contains enough protein. Help find the cause of swelling of the ankles or belly or of fluid … leaking out of blood vessels. Albumin also helps carry some medicines and other substances through the blood and is …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Pericardiocentesis is done to find the cause of fluid buildup around the heart and to relieve … structures in the chest when the heart beats. Some diseases cause fluid to collect within the pericardium. This fluid … pericardial effusion . The test may be done to find the cause of a pericardial effusion. During this test, a needle …
Medical tests
… ALP than the other organs or the bones. Some conditions cause large amounts of ALP in the blood. These conditions … test is done to: Check for liver damage when you're taking medicines that can damage the liver. Help look for liver … after you eat fatty foods. Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products you take. Some may …
Medical tests
… your symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) are caused by a chlamydia infection. Check people who are at … with chlamydia. A chlamydia infection doesn't always cause symptoms. Retest people several months after they have … of fluid from the vagina, rectum, throat, or eyes may cause mild discomfort or pain. Collecting a sample from the …
Medical tests
… anemia . Mild folate deficiency often does not cause any symptoms. Severe folate deficiency may cause a … water) for 8 to 10 hours before the test. If you take any medicines regularly, your doctor will talk to you about how … water) for 8 to 10 hours before the test. If you take any medicines regularly, your doctor will talk to you about how …
Medical tests
… rate or rhythm, a weak pulse, or a hard blood vessel may be caused by heart disease or another problem. As your heart … an injury or when a blood vessel may be blocked. Check on medicines or diseases that cause a slow heart rate. Your … day if you have heart disease or if you are taking certain medicines that can slow your heart rate, such as digoxin or …
Medical tests
… about a sudden death that appears to be from natural causes. If there are concerns about genetic problems that … warning during a medical or dental procedure. When the cause of death could affect legal matters. When the death … natural or unnatural. A natural death means the death was caused by a disease or from the natural effects of old age. …
Medical tests
… glands. Check for a tumour in the adrenal glands. Find the cause of high blood pressure or low potassium levels. This … an aldosterone test. You may be asked to stop taking some medicines for about 2 weeks before the test. These include … and estrogen ), corticosteroids , diuretics , and many medicines used to treat high blood pressure, especially …