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239 results found
Medical tests
… Some types of bacteria that normally live on or in the body can cause an infection if they go to parts of the body where they are not normally found. For example, E. coli … Some types of bacteria that normally live on or in the body can cause an infection if they go to parts of the body
Medical tests
… including a culture , genetic tests, or tests to study the body's immune system (immunological tests). Lymph nodes are … with local anesthetic. For a lymph node deeper in the body or for lymph node dissection, you may have general … lymph nodes were removed. This fluid is called seroma. Your body will reabsorb the fluid, but it may take some time. Or …
Medical tests
Medical tests
Medical tests
… intestine, where nutrients are absorbed for use by your body. The food then goes into your large intestine (colon) … and becomes stool (feces). Stool is expelled from your body through your anus. The time it takes for food to travel … intestine, where nutrients are absorbed for use by your body. The food then goes into your large intestine (colon) …
Medical tests
… vagina. In rare cases, HSV can infect other parts of the body, such as the eyes and the brain. HSV tests are most … The test can't tell if you will get sores or where on the body they might show up. The test also can't tell you if any … more likely to be found in small, newly formed sores. Antibody test A health professional uses a needle to take a …
Medical tests
… folate in the blood. Folate is one of many B vitamins. The body needs folate for normal growth and to make red blood … High folate levels can also mean a vitamin B12 deficiency. Body cells need vitamin B12 to use folate. So if vitamin B12 … folate in the blood. Folate is one of many B vitamins. The body needs folate for normal growth and to make red blood …
Medical tests
… days after the angiogram until the dye has passed from your body. This generally takes 24 hours. How It Is Done An … A strap, tape, or sandbags may be used to hold your body still. A lead apron may be placed under your genital … You can drink extra fluids to pass the dye from your body unless your doctor has told you not to. Risks The …
Medical tests
… at the location of active bleeding. A machine scans the body to find where the technetium accumulates. This method … at the location of active bleeding. A machine scans the body to find where the technetium accumulates. This method …