213 results found
Medical tests
… also be at risk for. When the death occurs without warning during a medical or dental procedure. When the cause of death could affect legal matters. When the death occurs during experimental treatment. Required autopsies An autopsy … died. They will learn as much as possible about the death. During the autopsy A doctor (pathologist) closely examines …
Medical tests
… disease, which can reduce blood flow to the heart muscle during stress. Look at the heart valves and check how well … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should … placed on the skin of your chest to record your heart rate during the test. A small amount of gel will be rubbed on the …
Medical tests
… of the blood flow in the blood vessels of the lung . During an angiogram, a thin tube called a catheter is placed … or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. During the test You will likely have an intravenous (IV) …
Medical tests
… arteries (four-vessel study) carrying blood to the brain. During an angiogram, a thin, soft tube called a catheter is … or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. The test may take several hours, so you will empty your bladder just before it starts. During the test You will likely have an intravenous (IV) …
Medical tests
… also be made. In some cases, contrast material may be used during the MRI scan to show certain structures more clearly … if it's not in the way.) You will be given a gown to use during the test. If you are allowed to keep some of your … to remove it. The MRI can cause burns with some patches. During the test You will lie on a table that is part of the …
Medical tests
… is examined. You will be given a cloth or paper gown to use during the test. You may be allowed to keep on your underwear if it does not get in the way of the test. During the test During the X-ray test, you will sit by or be on an X-ray …
Medical tests
… room. In some cases, contrast material may be used during the MRI scan to show certain structures more clearly. … ultrasound scan, or CT scan. Contrast material may be used during MRI to show abnormal tissue more clearly. An MRI scan … if it's not in the way.) You will be given a gown to use during the test. If you are allowed to keep some of your …
Medical tests
… and look at different sections of the colon. Anoscopy. During an anoscopy, a short, rigid, hollow tube (anoscope) … (enemas or laxatives) to empty the colon. Proctoscopy. During a proctoscopy, a slightly longer scope than the … the colon as the flexible sigmoidoscope. Sigmoidoscopy. During a sigmoidoscopy, a lighted tube is inserted through …
Medical tests
… and take off any jewellery. You may not smoke or chew gum during the test, since the stomach will respond by making … table. The technologist will make sure you are comfortable during changes in table position. During the test You will have one X-ray taken before you …
Medical tests
… The OGTT is commonly used to diagnose diabetes that occurs during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). Why It Is Done … treatment of diabetes. Check for diabetes that occurs during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). Determine if an … The OGTT is commonly used to diagnose diabetes that occurs during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). Why It Is Done …