292 results found
Medical tests
… the disease. Sickled red blood cells often cause recurring health problems called sickle cell crises . One set of genes … newborns for sickle cell disease. Talk with your doctor for more information. Why It Is Done A sickle cell test is done … Abnormal hemoglobin is present. In sickle cell trait, more than half of the hemoglobin is normal (hemoglobin A) …
Medical tests
… about how to take these before the test. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, … that causes the fast destruction of red blood cells, need more folate to make more red blood cells . People who have certain conditions, …
Medical tests
… of time, such as from heart failure , the heart releases more BNP, increasing the blood level of BNP. Why It Is Done … to do anything before you have this test. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, … A very high BNP level means that heart failure is much more likely. Your doctor will also look at other tests and …
Medical tests
… the pancreas or salivary glands become damaged or blocked, more amylase is usually released into the blood and urine. … test to prevent dehydration . How It Is Done Blood test A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, … the pancreas or salivary glands become damaged or blocked, more amylase is usually released into the blood and urine. …
Medical tests
… These devices help to control the heartbeat. Check the health of the heart when other diseases or conditions are … 60 beats per minute). The heart beats too fast (such as more than 100 beats per minute). The heart rhythm is not … 60 beats per minute). The heart beats too fast (such as more than 100 beats per minute). The heart rhythm is not …
Medical tests
… test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, … PT can mean a lack of or low level of one or more blood clotting factors (factors I, II, V, VII, or X). … PT can mean a lack of or low level of one or more blood clotting factors (factors I, II, V, VII, or X). …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done Fetal ultrasound is done to learn about the health of your fetus. Different details can be learned at … your pregnancy is going. Find out if you are pregnant with more than one fetus. Estimate the age of the fetus ( … show up early in pregnancy.) Abnormal: The fetus is growing more slowly than normal, is small, or is less developed than …
Medical tests
… To Prepare Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products you take. Some may increase the risk of … very still during each scan. The camera will move to take more pictures at different angles. Several scans will be … ECG) . Then you will be given the medicine through your IV. More EKGs and blood pressure measurements are often taken. …
Medical tests
… sodium can be checked in a single urine sample, but it is more often measured in a 24-hour urine sample. A single urine sample (clean catch) may be taken at a health professional's office or at home. A 24-hour sample is … sodium can be checked in a single urine sample, but it is more often measured in a 24-hour urine sample. A single …
Medical tests
… options. Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products you take. Some may increase the risk of … During laparoscopy, a small incision is made in the belly. More than one incision may be made if other tools will be … Damage to an organ or blood vessel. This may cause more bleeding that needs another surgery to repair. A …