121 results found
Medical tests
… with a finger or instrument inserted into your vagina while the bladder stress is applied. This checks to see if … the bladder neck being pushed down too far by the stress. While you are lying down, a thin, flexible tube called a … and the fluid loss. The stress test may be repeated while you are standing up. If the release of fluid is not …
Medical tests
… are taken with your head at rest. More recordings are done: While you move your head up and down, left and right. While you look at a moving object. After warm or cold water … during this part of the test. Readings will be taken while you look straight ahead and to each side. Readings …
Medical tests
… over your belly, you will be asked to hold your breath while the X-ray pictures are taken. You need to lie very … the pictures are clear. Often two pictures are taken: one while you are lying down (supine) and the other one while you are standing (erect view). If you are not able to …
Medical tests
… through the catheter to fill the bladder. X-rays are taken while the bladder fills and then empties. The catheter slips … It shows up well on X-ray pictures. X-rays will be taken while your bladder is filled with liquid and as the liquid … filled a second time. The catheter may slip out by itself while your bladder is draining. If not, it will be removed. …
Medical tests
… repositioned for each view. Hold your head completely still while the pictures are being taken. A padded brace, foam … or sandbags may be used to hold your head in place while the pictures are taken. If pictures of the orbital … cavities or sinuses are needed, you will probably sit up while they are taken. A padded brace may be used to hold …
Medical tests
… use equipment at home that records information about you while you sleep. You'll need to be at the sleep lab before … video monitors will record your movements and activities while you sleep. The technician will be in a separate room … ways the test may be done. You may sleep all night while the equipment records your sleep information. Or you …
Medical tests
… You will be given a gown to wear. A man is often examined while he stands, bending forward at the waist. A man can also be examined while lying on his left side, with his knees bent toward his chest. A woman is often examined while lying on her back on an examination table, with her …
Medical tests
… a video screen. In a stress echocardiogram, an echo is done while your heart is at rest and after your heart is made to … is done to check for heart problems that can be seen while the heart is working hard (stressed). It may be done … how soon to do it. How It Is Done An echocardiogram is done while your heart is at rest. This is called the baseline. …
Medical tests
… (EKG or ECG) records the electrical activity of your heart while you do your usual activities. Ambulatory means that … arrhythmias can come and go, it may be hard to record one while you are in the doctor's office. There are several … you to keep a diary of all of your activities and symptoms while you wear the monitor. You will write down the type of …
Medical tests
… basic urodynamic testing: You will urinate into a container while the amount of urine and how fast it flows out of the … is measured at this point. Then more water may be added while you resist urinating until you no longer can keep from … basic urodynamic testing: You will urinate into a container while the amount of urine and how fast it flows out of the …