47 results found
Medical tests
… reflexes The doctor will look for injury to the 12 pairs of nerves in the head (cranial nerves) that relate to: Sense of smell. Sense of taste. … reflexes The doctor will look for injury to the 12 pairs of nerves in the head (cranial nerves) that relate to: Sense of …
Medical tests
… Most erection problems are caused by a mix of blood vessel, nerve, or psychological issues. To find the cause, your … or both. Physical causes include: Problems with the nerves of the penis. Problems such as multiple sclerosis or diabetes may cause nerve damage. Surgery, injury, or radiation treatment to the …
Medical tests
… blood. Hex A breaks down fatty substances in the brain and nerves. Tay-Sachs is an inherited disease in which the body … as it should, so the fatty substances collect in the nerve cells of the brain and damage them. Tay-Sachs can … blood. Hex A breaks down fatty substances in the brain and nerves. Tay-Sachs is an inherited disease in which the body …
Medical tests
… the procedure, the needle may touch one of your spinal nerves and cause a tingling feeling, like a light electrical … severe. A few people who have a spinal tap have a minor nerve injury. This heals on its own with time. Serious nerve injury is very rare. There is also a small chance of …
Medical tests
… those caused by a problem affecting the bladder muscles or nerves. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia … those caused by a problem affecting the bladder muscles or nerves. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia …
Medical tests
… flow and look for tumours , areas of inflammation , or nerve damage. Why It Is Done A CT scan of the spine is done … or blockage of the spinal canal is present. None of the nerves leaving the spinal cord are compressed or pinched. No … flow and look for tumours , areas of inflammation , or nerve damage. Why It Is Done A CT scan of the spine is done …
Medical tests
… because the arteries are deeper and are surrounded by nerves. You may feel light-headed, faint, dizzy, or … blood thinners). In rare cases, the needle may damage a nerve or the artery. This can cause the artery to become … because the arteries are deeper and are surrounded by nerves. You may feel light-headed, faint, dizzy, or …
Medical tests
… in the area where the cut is made ( spinal anesthesia or a nerve block ) is given for this procedure. A bone biopsy can … that the biopsy needle may break the bone or injure a nerve, blood vessel, or organ near the biopsy site. Surgery … in the area where the cut is made ( spinal anesthesia or a nerve block ) is given for this procedure. A bone biopsy can …
Medical tests
… That's because the arteries are deeper and are protected by nerves. Risks If the sample is taken from a vein There is … That's because the arteries are deeper and are protected by nerves. Risks If the sample is taken from a vein There is …
Medical tests
… needs phosphorus to build and repair bones and teeth, help nerves function, and make muscles contract. Most (about 85%) … needs phosphorus to build and repair bones and teeth, help nerves function, and make muscles contract. Most (about 85%) …