258 results found
Medical tests
… usually done if you have an abnormal non-stress test or biophysical profile . A biophysical profile uses ultrasound during a non-stress test to … for 2 hours before the test. Smoking can lower your baby's activity and heart rate. You will be asked to sign a consent …
Medical tests
… ulcers . Ulcerative colitis . Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) . Crohn's disease . Aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs … ulcers . Ulcerative colitis . Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) . Crohn's disease . Aspirin or non-steroidal …
Medical tests
… (EEG) is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors called electrodes … to a computer. The computer records your brain's electrical activity on the screen. Or it may record the activity on paper as wavy lines. Changes from the normal …
Medical tests
… normal for you. Low values Low values may be caused by: A disease that interferes with the intestine's ability to … absorb nutrients (malabsorption syndrome), such as celiac disease , Crohn's disease , or Whipple's disease . Inflammation of the lining …
Medical tests
… father carries an abnormal gene that is known to cause a disease. These diseases include Tay-Sachs disease , sickle cell disease , and cystic fibrosis . You or …
Medical tests
… the body. If not treated, syphilis can cause severe heart disease, brain damage, spinal cord damage, blindness, and … Screening tests help your doctor look for a certain disease or condition before any symptoms appear. This … drugs, recent vaccinations, endocarditis, and autoimmune diseases. The accuracy of testing often depends on the stage …
Medical tests
… or using folate, such as a vitamin C deficiency, liver disease, celiac disease , sprue , or Crohn's disease . Low folate levels can cause problems for certain …
Medical tests
… the baby can develop mild to severe problems (called Rh disease or erythroblastosis fetalis ). In rare cases, if Rh disease is not treated, the baby may die. An Rh test is done … the baby can develop mild to severe problems (called Rh disease or erythroblastosis fetalis ). In rare cases, if Rh …
Medical tests
… Why It Is Done A kidney biopsy is done to: Find kidney disease when there is blood or protein in the urine or when … problems seen on an ultrasound or a CT scan. Watch kidney disease and see if treatment is working. Find out why a … , a kidney infection (pyelonephritis), or signs of other diseases that affect the body, such as systemic lupus …
Medical tests
… Done An ear examination may be done: As part of a routine physical examination. As part of the process to screen … in response to the changes in pressure. How It Feels The physical examination of the ear using an otoscope usually … Done An ear examination may be done: As part of a routine physical examination. As part of the process to screen …