329 results found
Medical tests
… mother. The test can be done as early as 10 weeks in the pregnancy. If this screening test is positive, it means there is a chance your baby has a birth defect. In that case, your doctor may suggest that you have a diagnostic test, …
Medical tests
… is a procedure that looks at the space behind your breastbone and between your lungs. This area is called the mediastinum (say … you can expect. And it will help you safely prepare for your procedure. Preparing for the procedure Be sure to ask …
Medical tests
… Down syndrome . Inhibin A is made by the placenta during pregnancy. The level of inhibin A in the blood is used in a … you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… "NEW-kuhl") translucency screening is a test done during pregnancy. It uses ultrasound to measure the thickness of … you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … translucency test is done to find out the chance that your developing baby (fetus) may be at risk for having Down …
Medical tests
… get one if a test shows that you have blood or protein in your urine. The biopsy is usually done by putting a long, … you can expect. And it will help you safely prepare for your procedure. Preparing for the procedure You may need to … before the day of the procedure. If this is the case, your doctor will tell you what to do. Be sure you have …
Medical tests
… (EKG or ECG) records the electrical activity of your heart while you do your usual activities. Ambulatory means that you are able to … There are several different types of ambulatory monitors. Your doctor will choose the type that works best for you and …
Medical tests
… doctor can test the fluid to find the cause of the buildup. Your doctor will put a long, thin needle or a thin plastic tube, called a catheter, between two of your ribs. The doctor will use the needle or catheter to … will take about 15 minutes. You can go back to work or your normal activities as soon as you feel up to it. Why It …
Medical tests
… the CT scanner, which is a large doughnut-shaped machine. Your head will be positioned inside the scanner. The CT … dye called contrast material may be put in a vein ( IV ) in your arm or into the spinal canal. The dye makes structures … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you get …
Medical tests
… spread to the fetus of a person who has syphilis during pregnancy. Testing is done on blood, body fluid, or tissue … another test is done to confirm a syphilis infection. Your doctor may choose from many tests to screen for and … you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care …
Medical tests
… Overview Electronic fetal heart monitoring is done during pregnancy, labour, and delivery. It keeps track of the heart rate of your baby ( fetus ). It also shows how long each contraction of your uterus lasts. Your baby's heart rate is a good way to …