103 results found
Medical tests
… levels can be caused by carbon monoxide poisoning and pregnancy. High BUN-to-creatinine ratios occur with sudden … of severe liver disease or a diet very low in protein. Pregnancy can also cause low levels. Low creatinine … injury called rhabdomyolysis, pregnancy, cirrhosis, or syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion …
Medical tests
… cirrhosis. Help identify a childhood disorder called Reye syndrome that can damage the liver and the brain. Ammonia … predict the outcome (prognosis) of a diagnosed case of Reye syndrome. Help predict the outcome (prognosis) of a … by: Liver disease, such as cirrhosis or hepatitis . Reye syndrome . Heart failure . Kidney failure . Severe bleeding …
Medical tests
… arthritis. Lupus. Polymyositis . Scleroderma . Sjögren's syndrome . How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you … a positive ANA test don't have SLE. Scleroderma . Sjögren's syndrome . Juvenile idiopathic arthritis . Polymyositis . Raynaud's syndrome . Autoimmune diseases of other organs. Examples …
Medical tests
… values for the total number of each type of white cell. Pregnancy can change these blood values. Your doctor will … with you about normal values during each trimester of your pregnancy. Blood smear results Normal: Blood cells are … , alcohol use disorder, AIDS , lupus , and Cushing's syndrome . A large spleen can lower the WBC count. …
Medical tests
… glands release too much cortisol (one form of Cushing's syndrome ). How To Prepare You may not be able to eat or … of cortisol from a tumour in the adrenal glands ( Cushing's syndrome ). Corticosteroid medicines. ACTH and cortisol … ACTH Cortisol Cushing's disease High High Cushing's syndrome Low High Addison's disease High Low Hypopituitarism …
Medical tests
… of the ovaries or adrenal glands or by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In rare cases, the part of the ovary that … caused by certain inherited diseases (such as Klinefelter syndrome or Down syndrome), liver disease (cirrhosis), or treatment for …
Medical tests
… whether you are having a heart attack or acute coronary syndrome . Check for injury to the heart from other causes, … still be normal for you. Acute Coronary Syndrome Heart Attack and Unstable Angina Medical Tests: … whether you are having a heart attack or acute coronary syndrome . Check for injury to the heart from other causes, …
Medical tests
… , rheumatoid arthritis, kidney damage (nephrotic syndrome), or a parasite infection is present. Because IgM … occur in some types of leukemia , kidney damage (nephrotic syndrome), a problem with the intestines (enteropathy), and … types of leukemia and a type of kidney damage (nephrotic syndrome). In rare cases some people are born with a lack of …
Medical tests
… as diuretics ), severe vomiting or diarrhea, Cushing's syndrome , kidney disease or injury, diabetic ketoacidosis , … , kidney disease, cirrhosis , cystic fibrosis , or SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion). … as diuretics ), severe vomiting or diarrhea, Cushing's syndrome , kidney disease or injury, diabetic ketoacidosis , …
Medical tests
… of the pancreas or small intestine ( Zollinger-Ellison syndrome ) or abnormal growth of cells that line the stomach … High gastrin levels may be caused by: Zollinger-Ellison syndrome , a rare disease that can cause gastrin levels to … of the pancreas or small intestine ( Zollinger-Ellison syndrome ) or abnormal growth of cells that line the stomach …