184 results found
Medical tests
… check the curve of your spine ( scoliosis ) or for spinal defects. The spine is divided into four parts. So there are … not a reason to avoid the test. If you need an X-ray during pregnancy, a lead apron will be put over your belly to … not a reason to avoid the test. If you need an X-ray during pregnancy, a lead apron will be put over your belly to …
Medical tests
… bladder and: The ovaries , uterus , cervix , and fallopian tubes of a woman ( female organs ). The prostate gland and … of the ovaries during treatment for infertility . Confirm a pregnancy and see if it is in the uterus. Pelvic ultrasound may be used early in pregnancy to check the age of the pregnancy or to find a …
Medical tests
… or fertility problems. The doctor will guide a lighted tube through the cervix and into the uterus. This tube is called a hysteroscope, or scope. The doctor will … infertility. Look at the uterine openings to the fallopian tubes . If the tubes are blocked, your doctor may be able to …
Medical tests
… be used to guide it. The doctor may guide a thin plastic tube along the needle into the space between the sac and your heart. The fluid drains out through the tube. Some fluid may be saved and sent to a lab for tests. … procedure. After some or all of the fluid is drained, the tube may be removed right away. Or the tube may be left in …
Medical tests
… their kidneys or adrenal glands. Check the effects of extra nutrition ( total parenteral nutrition [TPN] ) on potassium levels. Check to see whether … alcohol use disorder , Cushing's syndrome , dehydration, malnutrition, vomiting, diarrhea and certain kidney diseases, …
Medical tests
… , such as coins or other small pieces of metal, in the tube to the stomach (esophagus), the airway, or the lungs. A … may not be able to see food, nuts, or wood fibres. See if a tube, catheter, or other medical device has been placed in … fluid or air is seen, and no foreign objects are seen. All tubes, catheters, or other medical devices are in their …
Medical tests
… Flexible bronchoscopy. It uses a long, thin, lighted tube to look at your airway. The flexible bronchoscope is … with general anesthesia and uses a straight, hollow metal tube. It is used: When there is bleeding in the airway that … The bronchoscope is then moved down your larger breathing tubes (bronchi) to examine the lower airways. If your doctor …
Medical tests
… retrograde cholangiopancreatogram (ERCP) test checks the tubes (ducts) that drain the liver , gallbladder , and … can be opened by inserting a small wire-mesh or plastic tube (called a stent) into it. Why It Is Done ERCP is done … of the way. You may be asked to swallow to help move the tube along. The scope is no thicker than many foods you …
Medical tests
… During an angiogram, the doctor will put a thin, flexible tube into a blood vessel in your groin or arm. This tube is called a catheter. The doctor guides the tube to the blood vessel that will be studied. Then a dye is …
Medical tests
… during the test. The doctor puts a small, flexible tube into your throat and guides it to the esophagus. This is the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. The doctor will ask you to swallow as the tube goes down. The transducer is at the tip of the tube. It …