184 results found
Medical tests
… of a small egg. At the back of each testicle is a coiled tube called the epididymis. It stores sperm. The testicles … of both testicles. You may feel the epididymis, the soft tube behind each testicle. Get familiar with how it feels so … is very smooth, without any lumps or bumps. The spongy, tube-shaped structure (epididymis) may be felt on the top …
Medical tests
… it flows out of the bladder are measured. A thin, flexible tube called a catheter is then inserted into the bladder through the urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of … it flows out of the bladder are measured. A thin, flexible tube called a catheter is then inserted into the bladder …
Medical tests
… they feel as if they cannot breathe at times because of the tube in their throat, but this is a false sensation caused … There is always plenty of breathing space around the tube in your mouth and throat. Remember to relax and take … nausea, bloating, or mild abdominal cramping as the tube is moved. Even though you won't be able to talk during …
Medical tests
… since birth (congenital abnormalities). Find a blocked tube or stones in the tube that carry bile from the liver to the gallbladder (bile … gallbladder, or pancreas. No blockage is found in the tubes ( ureters ) that lead out of the kidneys. No bleeding, …
Medical tests
Medical tests
… when the baby's blood mixes with the mother's blood during pregnancy or delivery. This causes the mother's immune … or Rh-negative blood (Rh antibody titre) is done early in pregnancy. If she is Rh-negative, steps can be taken to … blood (Rh sensitization). She will be tested early in pregnancy to check the blood type of her baby. If the baby …
Medical tests
… look inside your bladder and urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the … for several days. You may also need a catheter. It's a tube that drains urine from your bladder. Your doctor will … look inside your bladder and urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the …
Medical tests
… or other heart chamber disorder is seen. Ventricular septal defects are seen. Brain (such as epilepsy, dementia, … You are pregnant. A SPECT scan usually isn't done during pregnancy because the radiation could harm the unborn baby … You are pregnant. A SPECT scan usually isn't done during pregnancy because the radiation could harm the unborn baby …
Medical tests
… and scrotum . The test can show the long, tightly coiled tube that lies behind each testicle and collects sperm (epididymis). And it can show the tube ( vas deferens ) that connects the testicles to the … and scrotum . The test can show the long, tightly coiled tube that lies behind each testicle and collects sperm …
Medical tests
… be measured by draining the bladder with a thin flexible tube (catheter) or by using ultrasound. … be measured by draining the bladder with a thin flexible tube (catheter) or by using ultrasound. …