232 results found
Medical tests
… bleeding, such as an ulcer. Or it may be done to look for blocked blood vessels in your lungs. During an angiogram, the doctor will put a thin, flexible … There is abnormal branching of blood vessels present since birth (congenital). An abnormal pattern of blood vessels may …
Medical tests
… to look at the baby's genes. It can also be used later in pregnancy. Amniocentesis for genetic testing Amniocentesis … as Down syndrome . But this test can't find many common birth defects, such as cleft lip , cleft palate , or heart … Amniocentesis? Why It Is Done Amniocentesis may be done during your second trimester to find certain genetic …
Medical tests
… taken from a vein or from the umbilical cord right after birth. Why It Is Done A test to measure hexosaminidase A is … baby (fetus) has Tay-Sachs disease. This is done early in pregnancy using amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. … baby (fetus) has Tay-Sachs disease. This is done early in pregnancy using amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. …
Medical tests
… the drainage angle ) is open or closed. It is often done during a regular eye examination, depending on your age and … pressure in the eye and help control glaucoma. Check for birth defects that may cause glaucoma. How To Prepare If you … The drainage angle appears normal, is wide open, and is not blocked. Abnormal: The drainage angle looks narrow, is a …
Medical tests
… arteries (four-vessel study) carrying blood to the brain. During an angiogram, a thin, soft tube called a catheter is … blood vessel ( aneurysm ). It can also show narrowing or a blockage in a blood vessel that slows or stops blood flow. … There is abnormal branching of blood vessels present since birth (congenital). Medical Tests: …
Medical tests
… it can evaluate the collecting system inside the kidneys. During IVP, a dye called contrast material is injected into … the structure of the urinary tract that were present from birth (congenital). An ultrasound or a computed tomography … balloons that push in on either side of your belly to block the passage of dye through the ureters. If you have …
Medical tests
… you are having a hard time getting pregnant (infertility). During the test, a dye ( contrast material ) is put through … of the uterus or fallopian tubes. They can also show a blockage that would prevent an egg moving through a … An infection, endometriosis , or a previous ectopic pregnancy may cause severe scarring of the fallopian tubes …
Medical tests
… medicine ( local anesthetic ) is used to prevent pain during this procedure. Intravenous (IV) pain medicine and a … the bone ( open biopsy ). General anesthesia or medicine to block feeling in the area where the cut is made ( spinal anesthesia or a nerve block ) is given for this …
Medical tests
… head, neck, legs, and arms. This test can show narrowed or blocked areas of a blood vessel. It can also show whether … buildup of fatty material called plaque in a blood vessel. During a CT angiogram, you lie on a table that passes … a medicine called a beta-blocker to slow your heart rate during the test. Benefits and limitations A CT angiogram is …
Medical tests
… the gallbladder may not store or empty bile properly. During a HIDA scan, a camera takes pictures of your … Your doctor can use these pictures to look for leaks, blockages, or any other problems. Why It Is Done The HIDA … test. You will be given a cloth or paper covering to use during the test. During the test The site on your arm where …