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232 results found
Medical tests
… to the throat, narrowing of the throat (strictures), or blockages in the airway. Direct rigid laryngoscopy may be … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should … your vocal cords. If a local (topical) anesthetic is used during the examination, the numbing effect will last about …
Medical tests
… flow through the heart and blood vessels. It can be done during any of these types of echocardiograms. Types of … on your chest or abdominal wall. Stress echocardiogram. During this test, an echocardiogram is done both before and … and because the lungs and bones of the chest wall don't block the sound waves produced by the probe. A sedative and …
Medical tests
… doctor will remove the catheter. Sometimes X-rays are taken during a test. If they are, your bladder may be filled with … that the flow of urine out of the bladder is partially blocked or the bladder muscle is not contracting properly to … doctor will remove the catheter. Sometimes X-rays are taken during a test. If they are, your bladder may be filled with …
Medical tests
… until that time, women regularly lose blood and iron during their monthly periods. Why It Is Done HFE testing is … until that time, women regularly lose blood and iron during their monthly periods. Why It Is Done HFE testing is …
Medical tests
… scan that is done to look at these organs for disease. During a liver and spleen scan, a radioactive tracer … or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. You will empty your bladder right before the scan. During the test The technologist cleans the site on your arm …
Medical tests
… polyps , tumours, and areas of inflammation or bleeding. During the test, tissue samples can be collected ( biopsy ) … the other part on the day of the test. Plan to stay home during your prep time since you will need to use the toilet … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your procedure. Your doctor will tell you if you …
Medical tests
… ankle. It also can be done on the hip, elbow, and wrist. During arthroscopy , the arthroscope is put into your joint … magnified images provide a clear picture of your joint. During the procedure, a sample of joint tissue can be … tests. Do surgery to repair a joint problem. It may be used during surgery to: Shave bone tissue to remove calcium …
Medical tests
… study. Photographs of selected views can also be made. During MRA, the area of the body being studied is placed … inside an MRI machine. Contrast material is often used during MRA to make blood vessels show up more clearly. Why … are normal. No bleeding, abnormal collections of fluid, blockage in the flow of blood, or bulges in the blood …
Medical tests
… been passed in the urine or removed from the urinary tract during surgery. Chemical analysis of a kidney stone shows … That's because a stone may pass into your bladder during the night. Look carefully at the strainer for a … especially if the stone is a staghorn (struvite) stone. Block the urinary tract. This can happen while the stone is …
Medical tests
… upper small intestine (duodenum) after surgery. Look for a blockage in the opening between the stomach and duodenum. … An empty stomach helps your doctor see your stomach clearly during the test. It also reduces your chances of vomiting. … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your procedure. Your doctor will tell you if you …