157 results found
Medical tests
Medical tests
… intercourse to try to become pregnant or to try to avoid pregnancy. A woman is most often able to get pregnant for … Write down the dates of your menstrual periods for 6 to 8 months. See if your menstrual cycle is regular and how many … of 100 women who typically use these methods. If you had a baby in the past 6 months or if you have an irregular …
Medical tests
… a fever-reducing medicine is working. Help a woman plan for pregnancy by finding out if she is ovulating. How To Prepare … way to measure body temperature. It's recommended for babies , small children, and people who can't hold a … High fever: 40°C (104°F) and higher Infants less than 3 months with a rectal temperature of 38°C(100.4°F) or higher …
Medical tests
… stuck in the skull. They can also check problems on a baby's head, such as an odd shaped skull. Skull X-rays have … not a reason to avoid the test. If you need an X-ray during pregnancy, a lead apron will be put over your belly to … not a reason to avoid the test. If you need an X-ray during pregnancy, a lead apron will be put over your belly to …
Medical tests
… treatment are less likely to pass the infection on to their babies than are women who don't receive treatment. Find out if a baby born to an HIV-positive woman also is infected with … to be sure the results are correct. If a repeat test at 3 months is negative, there is no infection. Indeterminate …
Medical tests
… But too much bilirubin (hyperbilirubinemia) in a newborn baby can cause brain damage ( kernicterus ) and other serious problems. So some babies who develop jaundice may need treatment to lower … of the newborn . Help make decisions about whether newborn babies with neonatal jaundice need treatment. These babies …
Medical tests
… A pregnant woman who is exposed to lead can pass it to her baby ( fetus ). Lead can also be passed to a baby through the mother's breast milk. Why It Is Done … stick A heel stick is used to get a blood sample from a baby. The baby's heel is poked, and several drops of blood …
Medical tests
… to the bones. A bone scan can often find a problem days to months earlier than a regular X-ray test. During a bone … test can get into your breast milk and is not good for the baby. You probably will have to wait 1 to 3 hours after the … to the bones. A bone scan can often find a problem days to months earlier than a regular X-ray test. During a bone …
Medical tests
… are useful in helping women with lupus who are considering pregnancy. If a woman who has these antibodies becomes … these antibodies are associated with a higher risk of the baby being born with neonatal lupus syndrome or a heart … are useful in helping women with lupus who are considering pregnancy. If a woman who has these antibodies becomes …
Medical tests
… levels drop and menstrual bleeding begins. During pregnancy, the placenta also produces high levels of … the end of the first trimester and continuing until the baby is born. Levels of progesterone in a pregnant woman are … . Monitor the function of the ovaries and placenta during pregnancy. Help diagnose problems with the adrenal glands …