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Medical tests
… stress test checks to see if your baby will stay healthy during contractions when you are in labour. This test … baby drops for a short time. This is not a problem for most babies. But the heart rate of some babies gets slower. This … The test may need to be done more than once during your pregnancy. Contraction stress test footnote 1 Normal: Normal …
Medical tests
… vegetarians (vegans) who do not eat animal products and babies of mothers who are strict vegetarians are at … all of the medicines that you take. Being pregnant or breastfeeding. Taking large doses of vitamin C. Drinking … vegetarians (vegans) who do not eat animal products and babies of mothers who are strict vegetarians are at …
Medical tests
… through these chambers. This test is most commonly done on babies. Cranial ultrasound for babies Cranial ultrasound can only be done on babies before … have fused, it is only done after the skull has been opened during brain surgery. Why It Is Done In babies, cranial …
Medical tests
… waist, and you will be given a cloth or paper gown to use during the test. For a standard or digital mammogram, you'll … abnormal tissue are seen. The glands that produce milk for breastfeeding and the tubes (ducts) through which milk flows … abnormal tissue are seen. The glands that produce milk for breastfeeding and the tubes (ducts) through which milk flows …
Medical tests
… glucose only at that moment. Blood glucose levels change during the day for many reasons, including medicine, diet, … cells at a steady rate. Since red blood cells last 3 to 4 months, the A1c test shows how much glucose is in the plasma … red blood cells, such as the second or third trimester of pregnancy, a recent blood loss or a blood transfusion, …
Medical tests
… It is not a reason to avoid the test. If you need an X-ray during pregnancy, a lead apron will be put over your belly to … not a reason to avoid the test. If you need an X-ray during pregnancy, a lead apron will be put over your belly to …
Medical tests
… a fever-reducing medicine is working. Help a woman plan for pregnancy by finding out if she is ovulating. How To Prepare … way to measure body temperature. It's recommended for babies , small children, and people who can't hold a … High fever: 40°C (104°F) and higher Infants less than 3 months with a rectal temperature of 38°C(100.4°F) or higher …
Medical tests
… your average blood sugar level over the past 2 to 3 months. The OGTT is commonly used to diagnose diabetes that occurs during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). Why It Is Done Blood …
Medical tests
… (such as wisdom teeth), and bone loss that cannot be seen during a visual examination. Dental X-rays may also be done … a reason to avoid the test. Dental X-rays are safe during pregnancy. So most dental work can be done while you are … a reason to avoid the test. Dental X-rays are safe during pregnancy. So most dental work can be done while you are …
Medical tests
… products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your procedure. Your doctor will tell you if you … stroke, and death. This test is not usually done during pregnancy, because it involves X-rays. Radiation could … stroke, and death. This test is not usually done during pregnancy, because it involves X-rays. Radiation could …