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Medical tests
… doctor can test the fluid to find the cause of the buildup. Your doctor will put a long, thin needle or a thin plastic tube, called a catheter, between two of your ribs. The doctor will use the needle or catheter to … will take about 15 minutes. You can go back to work or your normal activities as soon as you feel up to it. Why It …
Medical tests
… 24 hours. Uric acid is made from the natural breakdown of your body's cells. It's also made from the foods you eat. Your kidneys take uric acid out of your blood and put it into urine so that it can leave your
Medical tests
… iron at times of growth (such as during adolescence), for pregnancy, during breastfeeding, or at times when there are low levels of iron in … damage the liver. Lead poisoning . This develops from months or years of exposure to small amounts of lead in the …
Medical tests
… . A vaginal self-examination may help you better understand your body, the changes that take place during the menstrual … The best time to do a vaginal self-examination is between your menstrual periods. A vaginal self-examination should not replace a regular pelvic examination by your doctor. Why It Is Done A vaginal self-examination can …
Medical tests
… or Pharmacia CAP), may be used to provide more information. Your allergy test results may show that allergy treatment is … is most likely allergic to. How To Prepare Be sure to tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. You may need … a device with 5 to 10 points (heads), which are dipped into bottles that contain the allergen extract. This device is …
Medical tests
… a body cavity. Confirm the proper position of tubes used by your doctor in your treatment, such as a tube to drain the stomach (nasogastric tube), a feeding tube in the stomach, a tube to drain the kidney … the test. An abdominal X-ray is not usually done during pregnancy. Often an abdominal ultrasound is done instead. …
Medical tests
… skin. Normally, a hair grows in the hair follicle for many months, stops growing, and falls out. A new hair then grows … or exposure to chemicals that occurred over the last few months. Why It Is Done Hair analysis is done by evaluating … lab will give you specific instructions on how to prepare your hair. Hair preparation and the part of your body from …
Medical tests
… genetic material. Hepatitis antibodies can take weeks or months to develop. So an infected person may test negative … that show you have liver problems. You are pregnant. You or your doctor wants to know if you are protected from getting … active infection. If the test is positive for longer than 6 months, this means you have a chronic infection. You can …
Medical tests
… Anoscopy, proctoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy tests allow your doctor to look at the inner lining of your anus, your rectum, and the lower part of the large intestine …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Colonoscopy is a test that allows your doctor to look at the inner lining of your large intestine (rectum and colon). Your doctor uses a thin, flexible tube called a colonoscope …