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329 results found
Medical tests
… tissue, or fluid is added to a substance that promotes the growth of germs. If no germs grow, the culture is negative. … it is placed in a container with a substance (called growth medium or culture medium) that helps bacteria, … tissue, or fluid is added to a substance that promotes the growth of germs. If no germs grow, the culture is negative. …
Medical tests
… right place. The glands are not too big or too small. No growths or other problems are seen. Abnormal: The thyroid gland is too big, or a growth (thyroid nodule) or cyst is seen in the thyroid … right place. The glands are not too big or too small. No growths or other problems are seen. Abnormal: The thyroid …
Medical tests
… (BPP) test measures the health of your baby (fetus) during pregnancy. A BPP test may include a non-stress test with … your baby. A BPP is commonly done in the last trimester of pregnancy. If there is a chance that your baby may have problems during your pregnancy ( high-risk pregnancy ), a BPP may be done by 32 …
Medical tests
… level. Estriol levels are most often measured only during pregnancy. Estriol is produced in large amounts by the … mother. Estriol can be found as early as the 9th week of pregnancy. The levels keep rising until delivery. Estriol … hormones. Estrogens are responsible for female sexual development and function, such as breast development and the …
Medical tests
… Normal: The vulva does not have sores or other growths, such as genital warts . The vaginal walls are reddish pink and have folds or ridges. No sores or growths are present. Normal discharge is clear and thin or … Normal: The vulva does not have sores or other growths, such as genital warts . The vaginal walls are …
Medical tests
… is a blood test that may be done at 15 to 22 weeks of pregnancy. It's used to look for possible problems with your … (uE3). This is a form of estrogen that increases during pregnancy. It's made in large amounts by the placenta. … care decisions that are important to many health problems. Pregnancy: Should I Have Screening Tests for Birth Defects? …
Medical tests
… Discoloured, thick mucus is draining from a sinus opening. Growths (nasal polyps) or foreign bodies inside the nose are … Discoloured, thick mucus is draining from a sinus opening. Growths (nasal polyps) or foreign bodies inside the nose are …
Medical tests
Medical tests
… are small and smooth, and they appear normal. There are no growths, abnormal tissue, or signs of infection. Abnormal: … are removed and examined under the microscope. Abnormal growths (such as a tumour) or signs of infection (such as an … are small and smooth, and they appear normal. There are no growths, abnormal tissue, or signs of infection. Abnormal: …
Medical tests
… Hair close to the skin or scalp includes the most recent growth, which provides the most accurate information about … cm (1 in.) to 4 cm (2 in.) long and should include the new growth closest to the scalp. Put the clippings in a plastic … Hair close to the skin or scalp includes the most recent growth, which provides the most accurate information about …