323 results found
Medical tests
… is a blood test that may be done at 15 to 22 weeks of pregnancy. It's used to look for possible problems with your baby. The quad screening measures the amounts of four things …
Medical tests
… follicle for many months, stops growing, and falls out. A new hair then grows in the follicle. It takes weeks for a … lab will give you specific instructions on how to prepare your hair. Hair preparation and the part of your body from which the hair is taken varies. In general, …
Medical tests
… Test Overview During the first trimester of pregnancy, screening tests for birth defects may be done. These tests look for possible problems with your baby. The tests may be called first-trimester screening, …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Colposcopy lets a doctor look at your vulva , vagina , and cervix. If the doctor sees a … do. It may cause mild cramping. An ECC is not done during pregnancy. How long the test takes A colposcopy usually … do. It may cause mild cramping. An ECC is not done during pregnancy. How long the test takes A colposcopy usually …
Medical tests
… test that can check for problem areas in certain tissues in your body. A radioactive tracer (tracer) called gallium citrate is injected into a vein in your arm. It moves through your bloodstream and into certain … waiting 4 weeks before you give your breast milk to your baby. This is because the tracer can pass to your baby. Some …
Medical tests
… a high risk of passing a serious viral infection on to her baby. Check if a person has immunity to a specific virus. … that may be present and the sample that will be tested. Your health professional will give you any specific instructions before your test. How It Is Done Samples can be collected in …
Medical tests
… The radioactive tracer used in this test can get into your breast milk and is not good for the baby. How It Is Done You will need to take off any jewellery. You may need to take off all or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the …
Medical tests
… that can't be seen with other imaging tests. For an MRI, your body is placed inside a machine that contains a strong … help tell the difference between old surgical scars and a new disease or injury. Learn more Low Back Pain: Should I … passes into breast milk and even less is passed on to the baby. But if you are concerned, you can stop breastfeeding …
Medical tests
… . Folate also is important for the normal development of a baby (fetus). Folate can be measured in the liquid portion … usually affected by the amount of folate and folic acid in your diet each day. Folate deficiency can result in a type … hours before the test. If you take any medicines regularly, your doctor will talk to you about how to take these before …
Medical tests
… antibodies. If you have a positive test result, contact your sex partners to inform them. They may want to be tested. You may be able to get help from your local health unit to do this. Why It Is Done A test for … than are women who don't receive treatment. Find out if a baby born to an HIV-positive woman also is infected with …