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Medical tests
… scan that is done to look at these organs for disease. During a liver and spleen scan, a radioactive tracer … or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. You will empty your bladder right before … your liver and spleen. The camera does not give off any radiation, so you are not exposed to more radiation during
Medical tests
… test that is done to check kidney function or appearance. During a scan to look at kidney function, a radioactive … are allergic to the special dye ( contrast material ) used during the IVP. Why It Is Done A kidney scan is done to: … closely above your belly. The camera will scan for radiation right after the radioactive tracer is injected. …
Medical tests
… protein for 24 hours before the blood creatinine test and during the creatinine clearance urine test. Drink plenty of … levels can be caused by carbon monoxide poisoning and pregnancy. High BUN-to-creatinine ratios occur with sudden … of severe liver disease or a diet very low in protein. Pregnancy can also cause low levels. Low creatinine …
Medical tests
… the area being X-rayed. You may be given a gown to wear during the test. A lead shield will be placed over your pelvic area to protect it from radiation. During the test You will stand or sit in front of the X-ray …
Medical tests
… well your heart is pumping blood to the rest of your body. During this test, a small amount of a radioactive substance … clothes. You will be given a cloth or paper gown to use during the test. During the test You will lie on an … the scan is under way. The camera does not produce any radiation, so you are not exposed to any additional …
Medical tests
… The OGTT is commonly used to diagnose diabetes that occurs during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). Why It Is Done Blood … of diabetes. Check for diabetes that occurs during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). Determine if an abnormally …
Medical tests
… Test On this page: Overview Overview During pregnancy, a uterine infection causes inflammation , which … . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview During pregnancy, a uterine infection causes inflammation , which …
Medical tests
… it can evaluate the collecting system inside the kidneys. During IVP, a dye called contrast material is injected into … and you will be given a cloth or paper covering to use during the test. You will be asked to urinate just before … a risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to radiation, including the small amounts used in CTs, X-rays, …
Medical tests
… cord, spinal nerve roots, and the subarachnoid space. During the test, a dye is put into the subarachnoid space … in the way of the test.) You will be given a gown to wear during the test. During the test You will have a spinal tap … a risk of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to radiation, including the small amounts used in CTs, X-rays, …
Medical tests
… ). Kidney, bone, joint, skin, or heart valve infections. Pregnancy and pre-eclampsia (toxemia of pregnancy). Viral infections. Low values Low values may be … ). Kidney, bone, joint, skin, or heart valve infections. Pregnancy and pre-eclampsia (toxemia of pregnancy). Viral …