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241 results found
Medical tests
… for and treat conditions such as endometriosis , ectopic pregnancy , or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) . Find … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your surgery. Your doctor will tell you if you should … such as endometriosis, or infection may be seen. An ectopic pregnancy may be present. Inflammation of an internal organ …
Medical tests
… can occur normally in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Blood urea nitrogen to creatinine ratio … in protein, a severe muscle injury called rhabdomyolysis , pregnancy, cirrhosis , or syndrome of inappropriate … can occur normally in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Blood urea nitrogen to creatinine ratio …
Medical tests
… and take off any jewellery. You may not smoke or chew gum during the test, since the stomach will respond by making … table. The technologist will make sure you are comfortable during changes in table position. During the test You will … of damage to cells or tissue from being exposed to any radiation, even the low level of radiation used for this …
Medical tests
… glucose only at that moment. Blood glucose levels change during the day for many reasons, including medicine, diet, … red blood cells, such as the second or third trimester of pregnancy, a recent blood loss or a blood transfusion, … red blood cells, such as the second or third trimester of pregnancy, a recent blood loss or a blood transfusion, …
Medical tests
… infection, or injury. Normally, cortisol levels rise during the early morning hours and are highest about 7 a.m. … kidney disease, depression , hyperthyroidism , or obesity . Pregnancy or birth control pills can also cause a high blood … kidney disease, depression , hyperthyroidism , or obesity . Pregnancy or birth control pills can also cause a high blood …
Medical tests
… most commonly done to check for diabetes that occurs with pregnancy ( gestational diabetes ). The test can be done on … can affect test results, you will be asked to sit quietly during the entire test. Do not eat during the test. You may … most commonly done to check for diabetes that occurs with pregnancy ( gestational diabetes ). The test can be done on …
Medical tests
… are useful in helping women with lupus who are considering pregnancy. If a woman who has these antibodies becomes … are useful in helping women with lupus who are considering pregnancy. If a woman who has these antibodies becomes …
Medical tests
… cells that are using a lot of energy, such as cancer cells. During the test, the tracer liquid is put into a vein … Do not breastfeed your baby for 2 days after this test. During this time, you can give your baby breast milk you … moist, warm compress to your arm. Anytime you're exposed to radiation, there's a small chance of damage to cells or …
Medical tests
… arteries (four-vessel study) carrying blood to the brain. During an angiogram, a thin, soft tube called a catheter is … CTA tests require an injection of dye. A CTA also involves radiation exposure. Why It Is Done An angiogram of the head … or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. The test may take several hours, so you …
Medical tests
… is done on a blood sample taken from a vein. For testing during pregnancy, it may also be done on a sample of amniotic fluid … on a blood sample taken from a vein. For testing during pregnancy, it may also be done on a sample of amniotic fluid …