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329 results found
Medical tests
… Amniocentesis is a test to look at the fluid that surrounds your baby ( fetus ) in the uterus . Amniotic fluid has cells … to look at the baby's genes. It can also be used later in pregnancy. Amniocentesis for genetic testing Amniocentesis … Why It Is Done Amniocentesis may be done during your second trimester to find certain genetic conditions as well as …
Medical tests
… the hormone is present. HCG is made by the placenta during pregnancy. The test can be used to see if a woman is pregnant. HCG can be found in the blood before the first missed menstrual period. This can be as early as 6 … hCG goes up early in pregnancy can give information about your pregnancy and the health of your baby. Soon after …
Medical tests
… But someone infected with the rubella virus during pregnancy can transmit the disease to the baby (fetus). And … rubella syndrome (CRS) could develop, especially during the first trimester . Birth defects of CRS include cataracts and … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health … (such as hepatitis or cirrhosis ). Pancreatitis . The first trimester of pregnancy. Types of cancer that can cause high CA-125 values …
Medical tests
… hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an X-ray test. It looks at the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes and the area around … An infection, endometriosis , or a previous ectopic pregnancy may cause severe scarring of the fallopian tubes … tubal ligation has been successful. How To Prepare Schedule your test for when you won't be having your period. Your
Medical tests
… urea nitrogen (BUN) test measures the amount of nitrogen in your blood that comes from the waste product urea. Urea is … A low BUN level can occur normally in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Blood urea nitrogen to creatinine ratio …
Medical tests
… (T3) and thyroxine (T4). T3 and T4 help control your body's metabolism . Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine … for normal growth of the brain, especially during the first 3 years of life. A baby whose thyroid gland does not … medicine for treatment of an underactive thyroid gland. Pregnancy during the first trimester . …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview Colposcopy lets a doctor look at your vulva , vagina , and cervix. If the doctor sees a … the vagina a little bit. This allows your doctor to see inside your vagina and the cervix. The doctor also uses a … do. It may cause mild cramping. An ECC is not done during pregnancy. How long the test takes A colposcopy usually …
Medical tests
… of the ovaries during treatment for infertility . Confirm a pregnancy and see if it is in the uterus. Pelvic ultrasound … for the pelvic ultrasound. You may need to remove all your clothes below the waist and put on a gown before the … be done, the transabdominal ultrasound will usually be done first. You will need to remove any jewellery that might be …
Medical tests
… (sodium). When a tumour that makes aldosterone is present, your aldosterone level will be high while a renin level will … all the urine you produce in a 24-hour period. When you first get up in the morning, urinate into the toilet. Don't … failure. Kidney disease. Liver disease. A condition during pregnancy that causes high blood pressure ( pre-eclampsia ). …