317 results found
Medical tests
… surgery. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you … is examined. You will be given a cloth or paper gown to use during the test. You may be allowed to keep on your … not a reason to avoid the test. If you need an X-ray during pregnancy, a lead apron will be put over your belly to …
Medical tests
… C virus is in the blood. Viral load may be measured before, during, and after treatment. Why It Is Done This test is … effective. How to Prepare In general, there is nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you … C. If the viral load is checked during treatment, the level should go down. Hepatitis C …
Medical tests
… fluid, or CSF ) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. During a spinal tap, a needle is carefully inserted into the … problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the test and how soon … that says you understand the risks of the test and agree to have it done. How It Is Done A spinal tap may be done in …
Medical tests
… area is called the mediastinum (say "mee-dee-ya-STY-num"). During the test, a doctor makes a small cut (incision) in … ). It is often done to check lymph nodes to see if you should have lung removal surgery to treat lung cancer. Treatment …
Medical tests
… doing the test when you could be pregnant. Your doctor may have you take an over-the-counter pain medicine, such as … before your test. This can help with cramps you might get during or after the test. You may want to bring a sanitary … disease (PID) , endometriosis , or a previous ectopic pregnancy . Medical Tests: Questions to …
Medical tests
… series of pictures of the bones of the skull. Skull X-rays have largely been replaced by computed tomography (CT) scans … It is not a reason to avoid the test. If you need an X-ray during pregnancy, a lead apron will be put over your belly to …
Medical tests
… the CA-125 test and a transvaginal ultrasound for women who have a very high risk of ovarian cancer, such as those with … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … or cirrhosis ). Pancreatitis . The first trimester of pregnancy. Types of cancer that can cause high CA-125 values …
Medical tests
… to think about what you will do if the tests show that you have a high chance of getting osteoporosis. Osteoporosis: Should I Have a Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Test? … have back pain, it may bother you to lie still on a table during the scan. Risks During a bone density scan, you are …
Medical tests
… affect the inner ear, brain, or the nerves connecting them. During ENG, electrodes are attached to the face near the … lenses, or hearing aids, bring them to the test. If you have a neck or back problem, tell your doctor, so your neck … follow a moving point of light with only your eyes. You should not move your head during this part of the test. …
Medical tests
… infection, or injury. Normally, cortisol levels rise during the early morning hours and are highest about 7 a.m. … up at night, this pattern may be reversed. If you do not have this daily change in cortisol levels, you may have … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …