317 results found
Medical tests
… catheters. How To Prepare In general, there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you … or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to use during the test. You will lie on your back on a table. A … the test. An abdominal X-ray is not usually done during pregnancy. Often an abdominal ultrasound is done instead. …
Medical tests
… of your eyes so that you will not feel the tonometer during the test. A strip of paper containing a dye … time a reading is obtained. After enough accurate readings have been obtained, a beep will sound, and the averaged IOP … be done several times for each eye. How It Feels Tonometry should not cause any eye pain. Your doctor will use eyedrops …
Medical tests
… is done to: Find out whether the chromosomes of an adult have a change that can be passed on to a child. Find out … is done on a blood sample taken from a vein. For testing during pregnancy, it may also be done on a sample of amniotic fluid …
Medical tests
… see the thyroid gland. This method is done when other tests have not found the cause of your symptoms. Open biopsy is … the thyroid gland . Lumps in the thyroid gland may be found during a physical examination or seen on a thyroid … problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the test and how soon …
Medical tests
… doctor studies the tissue under a microscope. Most people have this procedure after they have abnormal results from a Pap or human papillomavirus (HPV) test. During the test, your doctor puts a lubricated tool into … do. It may cause mild cramping. An ECC is not done during pregnancy. How long the test takes A colposcopy usually …
Medical tests
… contains very little chloride. People with cystic fibrosis have a high level of chloride in their sweat. During the sweat test , medicine that causes a person to … little risk of complications from this test. But the test should always be done on an arm or leg (not the chest) to …
Medical tests
… too high. And if your kidneys aren't working the way they should, the level of uric acid in the urine can get too low. … foods before the test. Make sure you drink enough liquids during the 24-hour test so that you don't get dehydrated . … normal range may still be normal for you. Women typically have slightly lower uric acid levels than men. Many …
Medical tests
… to find testicular cancer . If your doctor thinks you may have cancer, you will probably have an open surgical … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of them before the test and how soon …
Medical tests
… follicle-stimulating hormone levels rise and fall together during the monthly cycle. LH also stimulates the production … menstrual periods (amenorrhea). This can help see if you have started to go through menopause. Find out if a child is … why sexual features or organs are not developing when they should (delayed puberty). Find out (usually with a urine …
Medical tests
… protein that may appear in the blood of some people who have certain kinds of cancers, especially cancer of the … pancreas, breast, ovary, or lung. CEA is normally produced during the development of a fetus . The production of CEA … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …