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329 results found
Medical tests
… Information Overview Cardiac catheterization is a procedure your doctor uses to see images and get information about your child's heart and blood vessels from the inside. It can … heart defects. This is a kind of heart problem that your child is born with. Your doctor doesn't need to make …
Medical tests
… (PSA) test is done to: Screen for prostate cancer. If your PSA level is higher than expected, your doctor may … have normal PSA levels. High values High levels don't always mean that prostate cancer is present. PSA levels may be … have normal PSA levels. High values High levels don't always mean that prostate cancer is present. PSA levels may be …
Medical tests
… Overview Some blood tests are used to determine whether your liver is damaged or inflamed. Although these tests help your doctor evaluate how well your liver is working, they cannot tell if you have …
Medical tests
… may affect the results of this test. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the non-prescription and prescription medicines you take. Talk to your doctor about any concerns you have regarding the need … form . How It Is Done The health professional drawing your blood will: Wrap an elastic band around your upper arm …
Medical tests
… D test measures the amount of vitamin D in the blood. Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium . Calcium keeps your bones and muscles healthy and strong. If your muscles don't get enough calcium, they can cramp, hurt, …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done Blood test A health … in seconds. You will also need wipes or towelettes to clean your genital area before you collect a urine sample. Wash your hands before you collect the urine. Prepare the …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are using any natural health products. … heel is poked, and several drops of blood are collected. Your baby may have a tiny bruise where the heel was poked. …
Medical tests
… glands then make a hormone called cortisol, which helps your body manage stress. Cortisol is needed for life, so its … ACTH levels may be tested in the morning or evening if your doctor thinks that they are abnormal. Cortisol levels … to eat or drink for 10 to 12 hours before an ACTH test. Your doctor may ask you to eat low-carbohydrate foods for 48 …
Medical tests
… undetectable. This means there is very little virus in your blood. Why It Is Done A viral load test is done to watch for changes in an HIV infection. Your doctor uses it to see how well your treatment is working. This information helps guide your
Medical tests
… diseases measure the amount of certain antibodies in your blood. Your body makes antibodies to attack and destroy substances … in autoimmune diseases, the antibodies attack and destroy your body's tissues. This can lead to diseases such as …